The following was taken from past Tisha B’Av events with Rabbi Brovender and adapted by Rabbi Johnny Solomon.
אֵיכָה יָשְׁבָה בָדָד – How does she sit in solitude?! (Eichah 1:1)
Eichah was the question, and the Navi Yirmiyahu (the prophet Jeremiah) who, according to tradition, is the author of Megillat Eichah, is facing an inconceivable question.
Is this the end of the relationship between God and Am Yisrael?
That is what Eichah is: not a question among questions, but the ultimate question.
How did God allow this to happen? It seems to contradict the plan.
Yet, as the Megillah proceeds, we come to learn that things can change, that there is hope, and that there will be a future which we need to look towards.
And as we will see, the Kinnot are the story of how this was overcome.
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