May 11, 2020
Tales of Ailing Rabbis
Check out our new free, online live series Tales of Ailing Rabbis with Gila Fine. Suffering Is Precious: What, in the Talmud, is the worst disease of all? Can one treat a patient against his will? Is it
April 20, 2020
Sacrifice & Triumph: JERUSALEM 1948
Join us for this special event. To sign up CLICK HERE This is a virtual tour – The best way to appreciate Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day) is by going on a tiyul – walking
December 12, 2017
Paul Terman Receives Semicha From WebYeshiva
Rabbi Paul Terman is one of the’s first recipients of semicha. Born in California, he grew up in Florida and it was during his time at the University of Miami where he became increasingly interested in Jewish observance. “Jewishly
November 10, 2017
Allan Goldenberg Receives Semicha From
Rabbi Allan Goldenberg is one of the Halacha Mastery Program‘s first recipients of semicha. Rabbi Goldenberg was a prosecutor in the Cook County, Illinois, State Attorney’s Office and worked in a variety of areas including as a felony trial
October 10, 2017
Jeffrey Green Receives Semicha From WebYeshiva
Rabbi Jeffrey Green is one of the first semicha recipients. Rabbi Green began his formal learning in the mid-1980’s at the Pardes Institute for Jewish Studies in Jerusalem under the spiritual guidance of Rav Meir Schweiger. It was at that
September 12, 2017
Dr. Bernie Kastner Receives Semicha From WebYeshiva
Rabbi Dr. Bernie ‘Baruch’ Kastner is one of’s first semicha recipients. Rabbi Kastner is a graduate of Yeshiva University and Columbia University. He served as an administrator at the Mount Sinai Medical Center and later on as
September 10, 2017
Nathan Davidovich Receives Semicha from WebYeshiva
Rabbi Nathan Davidovich is one of’s first semicha recipients. Rabbi Davidovich spent most of his life in Denver, Colorado until making Aliyah to Efrat in 1994. A 1963 graduate of the University of Denver College of Law, he has
August 12, 2017
Daniel Kaganovich Receives Semicha From WebYeshiva
Rabbi Dr. Daniel Kaganovich is one of’s first semicha recipients. Aside from his four years learning in the Halacha Mastery Program he also has a BA in Biochemistry from Harvard University and a PhD in Cell Biology from Stanford University.