• January 14, 2025
  • 14 5785, Tevet
  • פרשת שמות

Sefer Devarim: A Guide to Teshuvah

Sefer Devarim: A Guide to Teshuvah

On the surface, Sefer Devarim is Moshe Rabbeinu’s farewell to B’nei Yisrael. If we go a step deeper, we see so much more. Join Sepha Kirshblum as she uncovers the messages on teshuva that Moshe tried to convey to us, even as his own pleas for forgiveness did not materialize as he had wished.

September 8, 2024 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sefer Devarim: A Guide to Teshuvah: Sefer Devarim: A Guide to Teshuvah
Class description
I am looking forward to starting our Elul series tonight! We will begin with the general themes of Sefer Devarim and then delve into Perek Chaf Zayin, Chapter 27, of Tehillim that many recite daily starting on Rosh Chodesh Elul. And after trying to understand the messages of that chapter we will hopefully be able to connect it both to Elul, our goals for this month, and how they connect to the themes of Sefer Devarim.
September 15, 2024 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sefer Devarim: A Guide to Teshuvah: Sefer Devarim: A Guide to Teshuvah
Class description

In tonight’s shiur we will be delving into part of ashkenazi slichot. Towards the end there is a paragraph that acknowledges many characters in Tanach whose prayers were answered and we are asking Gd that just as he answered them in their story, please answer us. Together we will learn a few of those circumstances and how we can attempt to tap into that power of prayer in our own lives.

September 22, 2024 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sefer Devarim: A Guide to Teshuvah: Sefer Devarim: A Guide to Teshuvah
Class description
In tonight’s shiur we will continue in learning stories mentioned at the end of slichot. We will start with the story of Ahron bringing the Ketoret to forgive the nation post Mered Korach and what is so unique in that story. And then we will learn the story when one of our kings, Chizkiyahu becomes deathly ill but after praying is told he will gain more years to his life. We will see what each story, separately and comparatively, have to teach us for Chodesh Elul.
September 29, 2024 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sefer Devarim: A Guide to Teshuvah: Sefer Devarim: A Guide to Teshuvah
Class description

In tonight’s shiur we will be more characters and how and when Hashem answered their prayers. Chananya, Mishael and Azaria when they are thrown into a furnace; Daniel when he is thrown into a lion’s den; and Eliyahu when he goes up against the priests of Baal at Har Hacarmel. The stories will all have similarities but we will focus more on the differences and hopefu;lly tap into their faith in our own times.

Mrs. Sepha Kirshblum teaches Tanach and Jewish Thought at Midreshet Moriah. Sepha, as our students call her, has a genuine love for both her students and Torah, especially Tanach. She tries to create a balance of creativity, fun, humor and kavod Ha-Torah in the classroom to help her students love learning as much as she does. Before making aliyah, Sepha taught Tanach at the Ramaz Upper School, where she was also Senior Grade Advisor, Israel Advisor, and involved in extracurricular programming. Sepha received her BA from Stern College with a Major in Judaic Studies and a Minor in Psychology. She received a dual Masters in both special and regular Education from Hunter College. Sepha lives in Efrat with her family.