• September 12, 2024
  • 9 5784, Elul
  • פרשת כי־תצא

Mourning Our Inability to Mourn

Mourning Our Inability to Mourn

In this talk with Rabbi Gidon Rothstein we will look at the lost institutions of the time of a Beit HaMikdash – the Temple, the King, Sanhedrin, and Prophet. By exploring these institutions we will consider how life was supposed to work in a Jewish State and gauge if we are able to mourn those losses fully enough to count ourselves as those who truly mourn for Jerusalem.

July 30, 2020 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Mourning Our Inability to Mourn: Lesson
Class description

Rabbi Dr. Gidon Rothstein has semicha from YU (RIETS) and a PhD from Harvard. He has worked in shul rabbinate, high school and adult education. He is the author of both fiction and non-fiction, most recently "As If We Were There: Readings for a Transformative Passover Experience". He lives in Riverdale, NY.