• January 24, 2025
  • 24 5785, Tevet
  • פרשת וארא

Kabbalah of Teshuvah in Elul

Kabbalah of Teshuvah in Elul

Teshuvah according to Rabbi Nachman is a continuing evolution of returning ever-closer to Hashem.  Each effort elevates the soul, and even when we fall, the power is restored when we return again. Join  Rabbi Avraham Shira as he explores Rabbi Nachman’s teshuva, a process of refining our intentions until, with much merit, we may serve God for His Sake, and by doing so, as Rebbe Meir Baal HaNess says in Pirke Avot. Cpt.6, “All the world was for his sake.”

September 5, 2024 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Kabbalah of Teshuvah in Elul: Kabbalah of Teshuvah in Elul
Class description

Shalom.  Welcome to Elul Zman at WebYeshiva.

Elul is the pathway back, to return to the Beginning, of the year, of teshuva, of self and Godly Knowledge.  Rebbe Nachman, and other Sages, describe for us the stages of Teshuva.

We can distinguish four stages of this process of Return.  The first, tonight, we will discuss some of the teachings of the Arizal, based on the Verse from Mishlei, “The One who gives a path in the sea.”  Naturally, the holy words of King Solomon describe the place we must begin.  Feeling lost in the sea.  What does this mean.  What do we do about it?  How can we find a way out of what seems an endless, boundless place without direction or guidelines?  Rebbe Nachman begins with, as always, “Pour out your heart… in words.”  What words?  I have nothing to say.  I feel nothing.

That is where we begin, in the truth of where we are.  Of what we feel.  When we cannot think, we must feel.  And when we cannot feel, we must think.

Join us tonight, bring pen and paper, to search for our words, when lost at sea.

See you there,

Avraham Shirak


September 12, 2024 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Kabbalah of Teshuvah in Elul: Kabbalah of Teshuvah in Elul
Class description

Shalom and welcome.  Part 2 of our Elul shiur on Kabbalah and Teshuva, we will look further into Torah 6, Likutei Moharan.  Here Rabbi Nachman explains the inside path of doing

Teshuva on our teshuva.  He explains the two levels of honor, personal glory and the Glory of Hashem.  Within this discussion we will see how taking a position on ‘glory’, and how to deal with it, whether you are famous or unknown, changes your life.  This Torah has been transformational for many, many people.  The surprise within is how this glory operates in the Heavens as well, and how God Himself, limits His glory for the sake of mankind, each one of us.  This will be a class with God’s help, to come back to many times on our journey.

Looking forward to seeing all of you.

Avraham Shira

September 19, 2024 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Kabbalah of Teshuvah in Elul: Kabbalah of Teshuvah in Elul
Class description

Shalom.  Welcome to the 3rd in our Series on Kabbalah of Teshuva in Elul.  Tonight we will learn two types of expertise: One, to run to Hashem, and the Second, how to return.  Running and returning is not simply the start and stop, get excited then disinterested, ups and downs of spiritual life.  It is becoming master of your path, the subtleties of how to manage the run and the return, the getting closer to Hashem and feeling far from Hashem.  This practice is a lifelong skill.  It grows with us and gives us a framework to never, God forbid, give up on Hashem, for He is with us, even if we are not with Him.

Looking forward to seeing you tonight.

Avraham Shira

September 26, 2024 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Kabbalah of Teshuvah in Elul: Kabbalah of Teshuvah in Elul
Class description

Welcome.  Tonight’s final class of the Elul zman will incorporate some of the deepest teachings of Teshuva, return.

What are we returning?  Why are we returning?  How do we do it?

We will be using an important section of Likutei Moharsan, Torah 105, to get the answers we need.

The answers will lead us to new questions, ever deeper into the nature of what is consciousness, this world and the next, and how unique human beings are

when they discover why we are here, and what we are to do to restore this world.

This class will take us to places many of us have not been; for Teshuva itself was created before the world.

And God Himself also does Teshuva in Elul.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Avraham Shira

Rabbi Avraham Shira received smicha from Rabbi Benayahu Shmueli, Rosh Yeshivat HaMekubalim, Nahar Shalom, in Jerusalem. He has been a student and teacher in the Yeshiva since 1993. Since 1996 he has taught for twelve years at the Berot Bat Ayin Seminary, specializing in Likutei Moharan, and conducting workshops in meditation, and spiritual creative writing. He has also received a Masters Degree in Clinical Sociology & Family Therapy from the University of North Texas, Neve Yerushalayim Campus. Rabbi Shira has published a novel and translates a newsletter for Nahar Shalom. He lives with his wife, Elisheva and their five children in Bat Ayin, Gush Etzion.