Rabbi Jeffrey Saks Bibliography of Writings |
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[email protected] |
R. Jeffrey Saks is the founding director of ATID – The Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions in Jewish Education, in Jerusalem, and its WebYeshiva.org program. He also serves as the Editor of the journal Tradition, Series Editor of The S.Y. Agnon Library at The Toby Press, and Director of Research at the Agnon House in Jerusalem, and a consulting editor of The Lehrhaus. A three-time graduate of Yeshiva University (BA, MA, Semicha), he was a Jerusalem Fellow at the Mandel Leadership Institute. Rabbi Saks was formerly on the faculties of the YU High School for Girls in New York, and in Israel at Yeshivat Hamivtar and Machon Gold, among other yeshivot and schools, and currently teaches at Midreshet Amudim. He lives in Efrat with his wife Ilana Goldstein Saks and their four children. Rabbi Saks has published widely on Jewish thought, education, and literature.Click for Archive of Recorded Shiurim and Lectures at YUTorah.org |
Books & Monographs |
- Co-Editor, Wisdom From All My Teachers: Challenges and Initiatives in Contemporary Torah Education (Jerusalem: Urim Publications, 2003), ISBN: 965-7108-56-X, 399 pages [click for preface].
- Spiritualizing Halakhic Education: A Case Study in Modern Orthodox Teacher Development (Jerusalem: Mandel Foundation, 2006), ISBN: 935-90929-0-3, 80 pages.
- Co-Editor, To Mourn a Child: Jewish Responses to Neonatal and Childhood Death (New York: Ktav & OU Press, 2013), ISBN: 978-1-60280-233-9, 167 pages [click for introduction].
- Series Editor, The S.Y. Agnon Library at the Toby Press (15 volumes in annotated translations).
- Co-Editor, Agnon’s Tales of the Land of Israel (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2021), ISBN: 978-1-7252-7888-2, 217 pages [click for front matter].
- Editor, The Rabbi Norman Lamm Memorial Volume (New York: RCA & Tradition, 2021), 316 pages [click for front matter].
- Co-editor, Building a City: Writings on Agnon’s Buczacz in Memory of Alan Mintz (Indiana University Press, 2023), 376 pages.
Essays and Reviews |
- “Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik on the Brisker Method,” Tradition 33:2 (Winter 1999).
- “Letters on Religion without Theology,” Tradition 34:3 (Fall 2000) [review of Y. Leibowitz letters].
- “Vision and Practice in Orthodox Yeshiva Education,” Journal of Jewish Education 66:3 (Winter 2001).
- “Melamdim and Mehankhim—Who are We?: Implications for Professionalizing Orthodox Jewish Education,” Le’ela (June 2001).
- Review of Adam Baruch, Seder Yom in: Modern Judaism 21:3 (October 2001).
- Contribution to Symposium: “Our Schools, Our Children, Our Future: Voices in Jewish Education Today,” Wellsprings 50 (Summer 2002).
- “Current Research in Jewish Education,” Journal of Jewish Education 68:3 (Winter 2002).
- “Current Research,” Journal of Jewish Education 69:1 (Spring-Summer 2003).
- “Index to Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Halakhic Man,” Torah U-Madda Journal 11 (2003).
- “NiSh’ma: Great Books?,” Sh’ma (March 2004).
- “Learn Your Children Well: Reflections on the Mitzva of Teaching,” Sh’ma (September 2004).
- Editor and Contributor to Symposium: “The Lonely Man of Faith at Forty: New Insights and Reflections“(ATID).
- “The Lonely Man of Fidelity,” The Jewish Press (May 6, 2005).
- “Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik and the Israeli Chief Rabbinate: Biographical Notes (1959-60)” B.D.D. 17 (2006).
- “Rabbi Soloveitchik Meets Rav Kook,” Tradition 39:3 (2006).
- “Review Essay: The Making of an Iconoclast,” Tradition 40:2 (2007) [review of B. Lau MiMaran ad Maran on R. Ovadia Yosef].
- Contribution to Symposium: Teaching Toward Tomorrow: Setting an Agenda for Modern Orthodox Education, ed. Y. Finkelman (Jerusalem: ATID, 2008).
- Review of Eliezar Goldman, Yahadut le-Lo Ashlaya in Tradition 42:3 (Fall 2009).
- “What A Difference Place Makes: Reflections on Religious-Secular Divides in Israel and in America” in The Relationship of Orthodox Jews with Believing Jews of Other Religious Ideologies and Non-Believing Jews, ed. A. Mintz (Jersey City: Yeshiva University Press/Ktav, 2010).
- “My March of the Living,” The Jewish Press (February 18, 2011).
- “The Language of Babel: At the Tower with Rashi, Ramban, Netziv and Orwell” in Rav Shalom Banayikh: Essays Presented to Rabbi Shalom Carmy by Friends and Students in Celebration of Forty Years of Teaching, ed. H. Angel and Y. Blau (Jersey City, NJ: Ktav, 2012).
- “Ray Bradbury and Jewish Education in the Internet Age,” Hirhurim Blog (June 7, 2012).
- “Tolkien and the Jews,” Hirhurim Blog (January 8, 2013).
- “Between Middle Earth and Buczacz,” The Times of Israel (December 28, 2012).
- “Buczacz By Way of Newark: On Literary Lives at the End,” Jewish Ideas Daily (January 10, 2013).
- “Leibowitz at 110,” Jewish Ideas Daily (February 11, 2013)
- “Then and Now – The Chief Rabbinate Elections: Lessons on Religion and State,” Jerusalem Post Magazine (2.5.2013).
- “The Man Who Thought in Pictures,” The Jewish Review of Books 14 (Summer 2013) [review of S. Charka’s illustrated Agnon collection].
- “S.Y. Agnon’s Shaking Bridge and the Theology of Culture” in Developing a Jewish Perspective on Culture, ed. Y. Sarna (Jersey City: Yeshiva University Press/Ktav, 2013).
- Translated chapter “At Professor Bachlam’s” in S.Y. Agnon, Shira, revised edition (The Toby Press, 2013) = “Lost & Found: At Professor Bachlam’s,” Jewish Review of Books 17 (Spring 2014).
- Preface to new edition and Annotated Bibliography in: S.Y. Agnon, A Simple Story (The Toby Press, 2014).
- Preface and Annotated Bibliography in: S.Y. Agnon, Two Scholars Who Were in Our Town and Other Novellas (The Toby Press, 2014).
- Preface to new edition: S.Y. Agnon, Two Tales: Betrothed & Edo and Enam (The Toby Press, 2014).
- Introduction and Translation of S.Y. Agnon, “Twofold” in Tablet Magazine (October 3, 2014).
- Foreword and Annotated Bibliography to new edition: S.Y. Agnon, A Guest for the Night (The Toby Press, 2014).
- Foreword to new edition: S.Y. Agnon, The Bridal Canopy (Toby Press, 2015).
- “The Best That Has Been Thought and Said by Rabbi Lichtenstein About the Role of Literature in Religious Life,” Tradition 47:4 (Winter 2015) – [click here for French translation].
- Introduction and Translation
of S.Y. Agnon, “To the Galilee” in Tablet Magazine (May 6, 2015). - “The Metaphysics of Agnon’s Political Satires,” Forward to The Orange Peel and Other Satires (Toby Press, 2015).
- Introduction and Translation
of S.Y. Agnon, “The Etrog” in Tablet Magazine (September 24, 2015). - Introduction and Translation of S.Y. Agnon, “Rothschild’s Luck” in Tablet Magazine (June 10, 2016).
- “A Portrait of Two Artists at the Crossroads: Between Rav Kook and S.Y. Agnon,” Tradition 49:2 (Summer 2016).
- “Hebrew’s Nobel Prize: On the 50th Anniversary of S.Y. Agnon’s Acceptance Speech,” Tablet Magazine (December 9, 2016).
- “Writing in Prose What Was Sung in Praise,” Foreword to S.Y. Agnon, Forevermore & Other Stories (Toby Press, 2016).
- “The Pedagogical Imagination of a Subversive Conservative: Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Arrival as an Educational Visionary,” The Lehrhaus (May 4, 2017).
- “The Arrival of Rabbi Soloveitchik in America: A Documentary Report” with Yisrael Kashkin, The Lehrhaus (April 21, 2017).
- “The Rav Between Halakhic Men and Lachrymose Lubavitchers,” Kol Hamevaser 10:1 (November 2017).
- Agnon Library Series Afterword in The Outcast & Other Tales (Toby Press, 2017).
- “Unhappy Families: Review of Elhanan Nir, Rak Shnenu,” The Lehrhaus (February 14, 2018).
- “Haim Be’er’s Language of the Jewish Bookshelf,” Tablet Magazine (September 21, 2018) — Introduction to Haim Be’er, “Reb Aryeh’s Etrog“.
- “Bridging the Unbridgeable Divide Between Religion and Secular Modernity,” Mosaic Magazine (December 10, 2018).
- “Words Winged With Light: On Hebrew’s Blind Poet Erez Biton,” The Lehrhus (January 7, 2019).
- “From ‘A City of the Dead’ to A City in Its Fullness: Evolving Depictions of Buczacz in the Long Agnonian Arc,” Prooftexts 37:3 (2019).
- “I Am Building a City: A Reflection for Agnon’s 50th Yahrtzeit,” The Lehrhaus (March 5, 2020).
- “The Tefillin Strap Mark: In Search of an Obscure Minhag,” The Lehrhaus (August 6, 2020).
- “Always I Regarded Myself as One Who Was Born in Jerusalem: Agnon’s Nobel Speech in Light of Psalm 137,” Conversations 36 (Autumn 2020).
- “Issachar in Lockdown,” Tradition 52:2 (Spring 2020).
- “A Man of All Spirits: Excavating the Thought of Rabbi Lamm,” Tradition 53:3 (Summer 2021).
- “The Extremes Are More Consistent But Absurd,” Tradition 53:3 (Summer 2021).
- “Yosef Haim Brenner in Life and Death,” The Tel Aviv Review of Books (July 19, 2021).
- “Always I Regarded Myself as One Who Was Born in Jerusalem: Agnon’s Nobel Speech in Light of Psalm 137,” in Agnon’s Tales of the Land of Israel, ed. J. Saks and S. Carmy (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Press, 2021).
- With Avraham Holtz,”The Art of Agnon Annotation” in Agnon’s Tales of the Land of Israel, ed J. Saks and S. Carmy (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Press, 2021).
- “It Takes a Cosmic Village: Universalism’s Potential and Its Discontents,” Tradition 54:3 (Summer 2022).
- “S.Y. Agnon’s ‘The Etrog’” in Be Fruitful! The Etrog in Jewish Art, Culture, and History, edited by Warren Klein, Sharon Liberman Mintz, and Joshua Teplitsky (Mineged Publishing House, 2022).
- “Hanahat Tefillin and Bar Mitzvah: In Search of the Tefillin Strap Mark’s Meaning,” Doresh Tov LeAmo: An Anthology of Drashot Celebrating the Smachot in Life in Memory of Rabbi Dr. Steven M. Dworken (Cambridge, MA: Shikey Press, 2023).
- “We Read the Rav to Know We Are Not Alone in Loneliness,” Tradition 55:2 (Spring 2023).
- “Point-Blank Prayer: On Haim Sabato’s Adjusting Sights,” Tradition 55:3 (Spring 2023).
- “Joy, Sorrow, and Emotional Equilibrium in Agnon” in An Ode to Joy: Judaism and Happiness in the Thought of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and Beyond, ed E. Brown and S. Weiss (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).
- “The Secret of Our Army’s Endurance” Jewish Review of Books 56 (Winter 2024)
- “The Day Kafka’s Last Wish Became Agnon’s Nightmare” The Tel Aviv Review of Books (June 3, 2024).
- “Parchments Burning, Letters Soaring, and Books Lost and Found: S.Y. Agnon’s Library Fire 100 Years Later,” SeforimBlog.com (September 9, 2024).
- “Half Faith, Half Heresy: Between S.Y. Agnon and Gershom Scholem,” SeforimBlog (January 23, 2025).
מאמרים בעברית |
- “נאמנות מסירות ובדידות,” הצופה – מוסף (ד’ בתשרי תשס”ו, 7.10.05) [40 שנה ל’איש האמונה’]
- “דת ומדינה, חינוך ומנהיגות: הגריד”ס והרבנות הראשית לישראל,” צהר לג (תמוז תשס”ח).
- “עדיאל עמזה הוא אנטי-הרבסט,” הארץ – תרבות וספרות (1.7.2011).
- “מניו יורק לירושלים: בין עגנון לפיליפ רות’,” מקור ראשון – מוסף שבת (11.1.2013).
- “אדם החושב בתמונות,” מקור ראשון – מוסף שבת (8.2.2013) [ביקורת על “שי ועגנון” מאת שי צ’רקה].
- “מעשייה היתולי ונשכחת של עגנון לפורים,” הארץ – תרבות וספרות (22.2.2013).
- “פרנהייט 451: האייפון הרג את גיבור הספר,” מעריב – מוסף ערב שבת (5.7.2013) [ביקורת על מהדורת מחודשת בעברית], ובמקביל: “מחתרת הספרים,” מקור ראשון – מוסף שבת (5.7.2013).
- “הדי גויטיין ב’עידו ועינם’,” הארץ – תרבות וספרות (4.12.15).
- “חשיבותם של נודניקים – ביקורת על הספר ‘היסטוריה של הפילוסופיה לצעירי
ם מכל הגילים,’ מאת נייג’ל וורבורטון,” מקור ראשון – מוסף שבת (1.1.2016). - “לו הייתי רוטשולד: ספרות, הומור ודמגוגיה,” עונג שבת (23.9.2016).
- “ראיון עם הרב יוסף סאקס: מה עם עגנון שלנו?,” שביעי (16.12.16).
- “וראה תמיד ללבבו (בין עגנון לביאליק),” הארץ – תרבות וספרות (21.7.17).
- “עיר המתים,” הארץ – תרבות וספרות (17.7.2018).
- “סיפורים נשכחים מאת ש”י עגנון: הרהורים ובשביל הגביר,” הארץ – תרבות וספרות (19.2.19).
- “ד”ר דוקטור: עוד על ש”י עגנון ויוסף קלוזנר,” עונג שבת (15.3.2019).
- “מכתב גנוז | ביאליק ביקש ממני לבוא בבוקר לתה,” הארץ-תרבות וספרות (14.6.2019).
- “דיוקן שני אמנים על פרשת דרכים: בין הרב קוק לש”י עגנון,” ספר רפאל וייזר, ערך ג. וייסבלאי (מנגד הוצאה לאור, תש”ף).
- “בונה עיר: גישתו של עגנון לעולם הישן,” מקור ראשון (14.2.2020).
- “תודה לו על שהגביה בקומתו את קומת כולנו: מה מספרות ההקדשות שכתב חיים גורי לש”י עגנון,” הארץ- תרבות וספרות (6.2.2024).
- “ומה שמזכירים עלי את קפקא טעות היא,” הארץ- תרבות וספרות (27.5.2024).
- “גווילים נשרפים ואותיות פורחות:מסע בעקבות מינקת רבקה,” עונג שבת (9.8.2024).
- “חצוי אמונה וחציו אפיקורסות: משהו עלעגנון וגרשם שלום,” עונג שבת (12.12.2024).
- “תמול שלשום והיום,” מקור ראשון (7.2.2025).