WebYeshiva.org will be holding a pre- on Sunday, March 14, Rosh Chodesh Nissan.
It will run from 5pm – 11pm Israel time (11am-4pm EST, 3pm-9pm London time) with a special shiur each hour.
All classes are free, live, and interactive. The schedule and links to each event is as follows:
Rabbi Daniel Korobkin | Pesach & the Messianic Age |
Rabbi Dovid Fink | Pesach During a Pandemic: Halacha 101 |
Rabbi Joseph Dweck | Rambam: Telling the Pesach Story to Children |
Mrs. Fran Miller | The Courses of the Seder Meal |
Rabbi Chaim Brovender | From Geula to Geula |
Mrs. Sarah Rudolph | Crying Out: A Step Towards Redemption |
For any questions please contact [email protected]