The Way of Peace: Darkhei Shalom
“All its paths are paths of peace (Proverbs 3:17).” Halacha (Darkhei Shalom) demands that an atmosphere of peace in all our interactions with others. In this series we will explore the limits of this principle. When is it correct to set aside other Torah considerations in favor of maintaining peaceful relationships with others? Our primary texts are in Hebrew; in class we will translate and explain them.
The Way of Peace: Darkhei Shalom: Lesson 1
The Way of Peace: Darkhei Shalom: Lesson 2
Truth and Falsehood: Many participants requested a fuller discussion of the three situations in which falsehood is permitted. The sources are available through the link below. Further discussion and analysis of these sources are available in the WebYeshiva archived course Truth & Falsehood in Jewish Law