• December 5, 2024
  • 4 5785, Kislev
  • פרשת ויצא

The Unique Hallel of the Seder Night (March 20)

The Unique Hallel of the Seder Night (March 20)

The details of Hallel said during the seder differ in many respects from the halakhot of Hallel all year round. This class will explore two possible paths of analysis. We could either provide individual explanations for all the differences or look for one sweeping theory that clarifies them all.

March 20, 2012 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
The Unique Hallel of the Seder Night (March 20): Lesson 1
Class description

The Hallel we recite during the seder seems to break all the normal rules of Hallel. We split it in half, do not recite a blessing beforehand, say it while seated, and recite it at nighttime. How can we account for all these unusual features? We could answer these questions in a piecemeal fashion or look for a sweeping theory that explains all the differences. I look forward to exploring this issue with you.