The Shofar: What To Listen for
Why was the shofar chosen to be the instrument of teshuvah for Rosh Hashanah? What do the different sounds mean and what are we supposed to think when listening to the Tekiah, Shevarim, and Teruah? In preparation for the Yamim Noraim, join Rabbanit Yafit Clymer as she explores these questions and more.
The Shofar: What To Listen for: The Shofar: What To Listen for
Delving into the deep meaning of the Shofar and its sounds.
The Shofar: What To Listen for: The Shofar: What To Listen for
Join me today as we continue to discover the secret of the Shofar and its sound.
The Shofar: What To Listen for: The Shofar: What To Listen for
Rabbanit Yafit Clymer is a senior lecturer in Jewish Studies at the several Matan learning centers, at 'Emunah' and 'WebYeshiva'. She is a group instructor for various programs. Rabbanit Clymer is part of the steering committee of the 'Beit Hillel' organization and answers halachic questions online as a part of their Meshivat Nefesh project.