• January 24, 2025
  • 24 5785, Tevet
  • פרשת וארא

The Seder 2024: Hallel

The Seder 2024: Hallel

When we say Hallel on a regular morning during shacharit, it’s always completed as a unit from start to finish. Join Rabbi David Sedley and discover why on Seder night it starts in one place, is paused, and completed later.

Access our full pre-Pesach Seder 2024 special program schedule HERE.

April 16, 2024 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
The Seder 2024: Hallel: The Seder 2024: Hallel
Class description

In this class I attempt to answer (among other things) the following questions:

* Why is this the only time we say Hallel at night?
* Should we recite a beracha on this Hallel? If so, one or two?
* Why do we stop in the middle of Hallel for dinner?
* What is the connection between Hallel and Hallel Hagadol (which we recite immediately afterwards)?
* Where does the fifth cup of wine come into all this?

Rabbi David Sedley lives in Jerusalem with his wife and six children. He was born and raised in New Zealand before making Aliya in 1992. He left Israel temporarily (for eight years) to serve as a communal Rabbi in Scotland and England and returned to Israel in 2004. His latest book is "The Elephant of Deliberate Forgetfulness: and other unexpected interpretations of the weekly Torah reading". He has also translated Rabbeinu Yonah's commentary on Pirkei Avos and is the co-author of Sefiros: Spiritual Refinement Through Counting the Omer (both Judaica Press). Over the years Rabbi Sedley has worked as a journalist, a translator, a video director and in online reputation management. He also writes a weekly Torah blog on the Times of Israel.