• January 24, 2025
  • 24 5785, Tevet
  • פרשת וארא

The Avot & Chosenness: A Virtual Tour & Text

The Avot & Chosenness: A Virtual Tour & Text

Trace the birth and development of the Chosen People, through the stories of the three Patriarchs in Sefer Bereishit.  Join tour guide Rabbi Alan Haber and come to understand why and for what purpose Avraham was chosen, and what was the significance of the further choice of Yitzchak over Yishmael, and Yaakov over Esav.

As we look at the individual contributions of each Patriarch to the developing narrative, we’ll also make virtual visits (with the aid of maps, photos and videos) to some of the sites where they lived and visited, understanding the relationship between the geography of Eretz Yisrael, the stories of the Tanach, and the mission and destiny of Am Yisrael.

November 26, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Avot & Chosenness: A Virtual Tour & Text: Evolution of the Chosen People: Avraham
Class description

In this first session of the three-part series, we follow our Patriarch Avraham on his journey into the land of Israel, where he received the twin blessings of becoming the father of the Chosen People who were to inherit the Promised Land.  While visiting the biblical sites of Shechem, Shilo, Bet El, and Jerusalem, we begin to understand the purpose and mission behind the concept “Chosen People”. Based on the ideas and philosophy elaborated on in my Am Levadad series:  https://rabbihaber.net/am-levadad/.

December 3, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Avot & Chosenness: A Virtual Tour & Text: Evolution of the Chosen People: Yitzchak
Class description

In this session, we continue south on our virtual journey in the footsteps of Avraham, reaching the city of Hebron.  We take a virtual tour of the ancient sites, and understand the significance of Hebron as the place of “Hibur” (connection) and the deep roots that Avraham planted in the land by purchasing the field and cave of Makhpela as the burial site for his wife Sara.  We’ll also discuss the next stage of the evolution of the Chosen People – the birth of Yitzchak and the choice of Yitzchak over Yishmael and Avraham’s other children.  Why was this necessary – why couldn’t all of Avraham’s children be part of the Chosen People?  Based on the ideas and philosophy elaborated on in my Am Levadad series:  https://rabbihaber.net/am-levadad/.

December 10, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Avot & Chosenness: A Virtual Tour & Text: Evolution of the Chosen People: Yaakov
Class description

In this final session in the three-part series, we complete the virtual tour by reaching and touring the southernmost of the biblical cities associated with the Patriarchs:  Be’er Sheva.  We also discuss the third Patriarch – Yaakov – his selection over his brother Esav, and his unique contribution to what was started by his grandfather Avraham and father Yitzchak.  As we saw with Yitzchak and Hebron, there is an uncanny parallel between Yaakov’s specific mission and the nature and character of the city Be’er Sheva.  We also discuss the significance and role of the “rejected” brothers Yishmael and Esav to the mission of the Chosen People.  Based on the ideas and philosophy elaborated on in my Am Levadad series:  https://rabbihaber.net/am-levadad/.

Rabbi Alan Haber serves on the faculty of World Bnei Akiva’s Midreshet Torah V’Avodah and has taught at Nishmat, Matan, and YTA. He was one of the founders of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY) serving as director for 16 years. A licensed professional tour guide, he has lectured widely in Israel and around the world and is a graduate of Yeshivat Har Etzion and Yeshiva University.