• January 24, 2025
  • 24 5785, Tevet
  • פרשת וארא

Sofer Stam Certification

Sofer Stam Certification

This special ten week course is for men. It will cover the theoretical and practical laws, skills, and techniques to become a ritual scribe. There are seven units covering progress in Halacha (workbook and online class) and writing practice (based on online class). Each unit is supplemented by ongoing email and phone/video support between classes and for up to one year after completing the course. REGISTRATION FOR THIS COURSE IS OPEN ONLY TO ACCEPTED APPLICANTS TO THE WEBYESHIVA.ORG HALACHA MASTERY PROGRAM. TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION PLEASE CLICK HERE(http://mastery.webyeshiva.org/application). For more information about the WebYeshiva.org Halacha Mastery & Orach Chaim Semicha Program please CLICK HERE. (http://mastery.webyeshiva.org/)

November 15, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sofer Stam Certification: Lesson 1
Class description

1- Orientation, Setup and Double pencil exercise -Welcome to the Safrus Training Course! In this first meeting- we will make sure everyone understands the program, has all the eqiupment , and understands how to practice the double pencil excersise. As with all classes, it is beneficial to watch the relevant video (in folder “unit 1”) and to familiarise yourself with the files in that weeks “unit”- before the class on Sunday. Also- make sure to print the attached files in advance. Ideally- do so a few days before class, so if you have any questions-you can have the answers before Sunday. Please join my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/967592896607112/ Please email me at [email protected] so I can share a personal folder with you. All homework should be put in that folder, and I will put individual feedback there. Please put material there before Shabbos- so I can spend (my) sunday morning witing and sending you feedback. Please have ready for class: 1. Two pencils held together with rubber bands. 2. A4 “math” paper. (0.5 cm squares) 3. the “pencil diagram” and “workbook” PDF’s printed out. 4. Headset for better hearing of the class. 5. Pen and notepaper. 6. Bookmark “Mishnat Sofrim” (page 187 in Yalkut Stam) 7. Print the file “Mishnat Sofrim Draft” for writing notes during the Halachic part of the shiur. See you Sunday!

November 22, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sofer Stam Certification: Lesson 2
Class description

2- Fundamentals of kulmus & ink writing – on pape-1. In advance of this session, please watch the video “basics of writing” and check that your plastic kulmus works as you saw in the video. Spend a few minutes exploring how to make lines of different thickness, horizontal, vertical, curves etc. Get familiar with how much ink you can put in the kulmus, and how it flows. Wipe any drops or leaks with tissue paper as soon as they occur! 2. Make sure to wipe and rinse the kulmus every half-hour, and when you finish writing. 3. If you have time- watch at least part of the video “writing Ashkenaz letters” (if you are writing Sfardic-please let me know so I can send you a link) 4. Put a scan of your latest writing, and filled-out assignement pages- in our shared folder Before Shabbos (!) 5. Print out the feedback page I put there- right before the online session. 6. As always, make sure you have all the material (and workbook) ready on the table before the online class on Sunday. 7. Bookmark page 66 of Yalkut Stam, and page 30 of the Workbook. All the best, Rabbi Eliezer E. Adam

November 29, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sofer Stam Certification: Lesson 3
Class description

3- Writing with film on paper (8 mm) Klaf-choosing and finishing. – Please prepare for this class: 1. A few blank sheets of A4 paper. 2. The “negative” mezuza on page 10 of the Workbook. 3. Bookmark page 109 of Yalkut Stam, and page 33 of the Workbook. 4. Watch videos and familiarize yourself with the materials in this unit’s folder, in advance of upcoming session. Put a scan of your latest writing, and filled-out assignement pages- in our shared folder Before Shabbos (!) 5. Print out the feedback page I put there- right before the online session.

December 6, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sofer Stam Certification: Lesson 4
Class description

4- Writing Refinements (theory-part 1), -In preparation for this session- 1. Watch videos and familiarize yourself with the materials in this unit’s folder, in advance of upcoming session. Put a scan of your latest writing, and filled-out assignement pages- in our shared folder Before Shabbos (!) 2. Print out the feedback page I put there- right before the online session. 3. Bookmark page 308 of Yalkut Stam, and pages 31, 24 of the Workbook. Note- Next week’s session is extremely important! Please make every effort to be online

December 13, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sofer Stam Certification: Lesson 5
Class description

5- Kulmus preparation, corrections, writing refinements (theory-part 2), Tagim. Writing with film on klaf (6 mm) – In preparation for this session- 1. Watch videos and familiarize yourself with the materials in this unit’s folder, in advance of upcoming session. Put a scan of your latest writing, and filled-out assignement pages- in our shared folder Before Shabbos (!) 2. Print out the feedback page I put there- right before the online session. 3. Bookmark pages 15 , 25 of the Workbook. 4. Have the Kulmus “kit” ready in advance, and soak the bald tips of the feathers in 3 cm. of vinegar-water (half-half) for 3 days before next class. 5. Print “Kulmus Preparation Draft”, and write your notes, step by step, as you watch the Kulmus video. That way, you will be familiar with the procedure, and have prepared questions. You will feel much more confident during the session, which might otherwise be somewhat confusing.

December 20, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sofer Stam Certification: Lesson 6
Class description

6- Refining Writing- 1. Watch videos and familiarize yourself with the materials in this unit’s folder, in advance of upcoming session. Put a scan of your latest writing, and filled-out assignement pages- in our shared folder Before Shabbos (!) 2. Print out the feedback page I put there- right before the online session.

December 27, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sofer Stam Certification: Lesson 7
Class description

7- Writing refinements via Kosher Mezuzas- 1. Put a scan of your latest writing, and filled-out assignment pages- in our shared folder Before Shabbos (!) 2. Print out the feedback page I put there- right before the online session.

January 3, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sofer Stam Certification: Lesson 8
Class description

8- Further Refinement- 1. Put a scan of your latest writing, and filled-out assignement pages- in our shared folder Before Shabbos (!) 2. Print out the feedback page I put there- right before the online session.

January 10, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sofer Stam Certification: Lesson 9
Class description

9- Refining Letters- 1. Put a scan of your latest writing, and filled-out assignement pages- in our shared folder Before Shabbos (!) 2. Print out the feedback page I put there- right before the online session.

January 17, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sofer Stam Certification: Lesson 10
Class description

10- Megilla \ Mezuzot-At this point participants will have certification (having passed exam) and be able to write Megillas or Mezuzas at “entry-level” quality, and will continue writing and getting ongoing guidance during first year after course.