Six Days of Creating: Meditations
There are six days of creation. Each day, according to Kabbalah, channels one of the powers of the Tree of Life. Join Rabbi Avraham Shira for this special series and meditations, as he explores the qualities of these ‘measures of time in space.’ Discover your own unique relationship to ‘the works of Creation,’ Ma’aseh Breisheit, and how time shapes us, and we shape time.
Six Days of Creating: Meditations: Meditations For the Days of Creation
6 Days of Creating-Meditations on Breishit
Day 1 – Beginning with Nothingness
Welcome. Tonight, at 8pm Israel, we begin a new series of Learning and Meditation on Webyeshiva, in which each day of the Creation Story is seen as a new development in consciousness, time and creative expression. Each ‘day’ in the series will use Midrashic and Kabbalistic sources for understanding these stages of expansion and contraction by which the Creator began our world, and how the macro-cosmic Ma’asei Breishit is happening each week in our lives on a micro level, Our meditations will center on connecting to these ‘days’ of personal evolution within. Our goals will be to find these different creative powers in our selves and sharpen our attention and appreciation of them, and with blessing, turn these powers into creative activities in our own lives. Looking forward to seeing you there tonight.
Avraham Shira
Six Days of Creating: Meditations: Meditations For the Days of Creation
Shalom and Welcome: The Second Day of Creating is a separation of waters. What is a separation, the creating of boundries, a firmament, a sky, an atmosphere, the distinction between heaven and earth… On this day we learn to continue the action of the first day, the creation of light, which the Zohar says was creation with ‘a lamp of darkness’-on this day we learn to split desire, to identify caegories that begin the process of making distinctions between physical and spiritual, light and matter. The Kabbalah teaches that as we do this in ourselves, we discover how this is done in the world. Man is the ‘model’ by which we learn about the genius of God, and learning about God teaches us about Man. Join us tonight to discover ourselves as we discover Hashem.
Avraham Shira
Six Days of Creating: Meditations: Meditations For the Days of Creation
Shalom and Welcome to our Thursday night meditation at This week we will be looking at the 3rd day of Creation. This is the day of the ‘gathering of the waters’ and the emergence of ‘dry land.’ These two events, as important as they are, serve us as further insights into God’s creative process. This process is marked by making distinctions, assigning roles and directing forces that would eventually lead to a place the crowning achievement called ‘Man’ would be able to recognize Hashem and his role in Creation.
Making distinctions is how we arrive to our true selves, the Divine spark, and how we arrange our lives around these choices.
Come join us on the journey of the 3rd day of Creation.
Avraham Shira
Six Days of Creating: Meditations: Meditations For the Days of Creation
Shalom and Welcome. Tonight we will explore a little of the 4th day of creating, the ‘day’ God created the Sun and Moon. These heavenly objects teach us many things in Kabbalah, but also in the realm of the simple interpretation we discover much wisdom, ethics and understanding of the integrated Unity of this world. We will focus on the example of the moon, who we are told complained about his lot in life and was diminished, and how, in the end, the moon was beautified and glorified none-the-less. Along with these ideas, we will also look at what happens to our creative process when we resemble or fail to resemble these great ‘natural teachers’ God has made to guide us.
Look forward to seeing you there at 8pm Israel time, tonight.
Avraham Shira
Six Days of Creating: Meditations: Meditations For the Days of Creation
Shalom, we begin exploring the Fifth Day of Creating, the day of the birds, and the mighty Cosmic Whale, the Levyatan.
There are many teachings that merge here between the natural and spiritual and metaphysical realms, each pointing to Hashem’s orderly developmental process in Creation, a process we can integrate into our own thinking, planning and execution in many practical areas of life. The Secrets embedded in the words of the Midrash are beyond the human imagination to create or percolate over time, and strengthen our faith in the bond between nature, God and man.
Hope to see all of you there.
Avraham Shira
Six Days of Creating: Meditations: Meditations For the Days of Creation
Shalom and welcome to Day Six of the Days of Creating, an exploration and meditation on the Works and wonders of this very special ‘week’ when Hashem created the world, and its centerpiece, Mankind.
On the Sixth Day, the animals were created, and then a conference of God and the Angels met to discuss the propriety of creating a being that could go against God’s will. We will join that conference and ask some very interesting questions about why it was necessary, according to our Sages.
God would prevail in His Higher Purpose to create man, and only then just before Shabbat, would all the forces of Creation contribute to produce our Race.
Join us for this priceless set of Midrashim, the provacative questions they provoke, and the meditation that will help us to integrate this ancient, inspiring and ultimately healing wisdom.
Avraham Shira
Six Days of Creating: Meditations: Meditations For the Days of Creation
Shalom and Welcome. Tonight is the last in our 7pt series of learning and meditating on the Days of Creating.
The Seventh, the beloved of days, of numbers of children, the lower powers of the soul. Tonight we.explore Shabbat as the day of not doing, and how this can be the greatest sanctifying of God.s name, and the chosen gift and taste of the world to come at the end of the evolution of the human soul and its relationship to the physical world.
Join us and discover what you always new.must be there, waiting to be born within.
Rabbi Avraham Shira received smicha from Rabbi Benayahu Shmueli, Rosh Yeshivat HaMekubalim, Nahar Shalom, in Jerusalem. He has been a student and teacher in the Yeshiva since 1993. Since 1996 he has taught for twelve years at the Berot Bat Ayin Seminary, specializing in Likutei Moharan, and conducting workshops in meditation, and spiritual creative writing. He has also received a Masters Degree in Clinical Sociology & Family Therapy from the University of North Texas, Neve Yerushalayim Campus. Rabbi Shira has published a novel and translates a newsletter for Nahar Shalom. He lives with his wife, Elisheva and their five children in Bat Ayin, Gush Etzion.