Rebbe Nachman’s Masterpiece of Chassidus
In this course with Mr. Mordechai Kaufman we will learn Rebbe Nachman’s Masterpiece of Chassidut, Likutei Moharan. We will explore some of the basic Lurianic Kabbalistic foundations upon which the creative genius of Rebbe Nachman’s system of personal Tikun is built having as its ultimate objective nothing less than the perception and connection to Hashem.
PLEASE NOTE: The lessons in this course were taught over several years and combined here.
Mr. Martin Kaufman was educated at Yeshiva Universty and New York University"s Graduate School of Business Administration. Was Chairman and CEO of Philipp Brothers, formerly one of the world's largest commodity trading companies. He is a global consultant to entities in the financial and natural resource sectors all over the world. Mr. Kaufman has lectured extensively in numerous Adult Education programs for many years and presently gives shiurim in the New York City area. He has also served on two boards of Yeshiva University, amongst many other Boards. Mr. Kaufman lives in Manhattan with his wife and three children.