• January 14, 2025
  • 14 5785, Tevet
  • פרשת שמות

Rebbe Nachman on Healing

Rebbe Nachman on Healing

Rebbe Nachman had a very unique view of the world which provided him with deep insights into many things. Join Rabbi Avraham Shira as he explores Rebbe Nachman’s thoughts on healing.

April 22, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: How we eat
Class description

Shalom and welcome to a new zman at WebYeshiva. We will begin with Rebbe Nachman’s uniquely spiritual approach to healing, and the kabbalah that forms the background of wisdom from which he precedes. Tonight we will look at the devastating affects of eating more than our body’s require. The intricate description is a challenge to grasp how the body and soul of man and food interact, but once you hear this teaching, you will never eat the same way again. Look forward to seeing you there.

Avraham Shira

April 29, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Lag B’Omer & the healing of Habakuk the prophet
Class description

Shalom. Tonight, in the merit of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and Lag B.Omer, we will learn of the miraculous story of the healing of Habakuk the prophet, through the filter of Zohar. This class will include the deepest secrets of how the prophets healed, using God’s ineffable name. It is a class that must be received with awe and love of God and his tzadikim, as many secrets are woven into the Zohar text and the story of the Shunamite woman and the prophet Elisha. Look forward to seeing all of you, from here at the base of Mt. Meron on the night Israel does not sleep. (At least not in Meron)

Avraham Shira

May 6, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Lesson
Class description
May 13, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Spiritual alignment
Class description

Shalom and welcome to our healing series with the Torah of Rabbi Nachman. Tonight we will look at the spiritual side of perspiration, and the kabbalah of the organs and their influences, especially the lungs which are connected to Shavuot and the Five Books of Moses. This class promises to help us understand the alignment of the Worlds, and our place within that alignment, and how our spiritual work is physical as well. Hope you can make it, Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach.
Avraham Shira

May 20, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Lesson
Class description

Shalom and blessings.
Tonight we will examine the relationship between healing and faith, including some unique insights from the Talmud and Zohar.
This discussion is very important today when our faith is challenged and many people are tempted to follow the chicanery of imposters.
Faith and healing is not ‘faith healing’ but the connection is worthwhile and instructive on many levels and should inspire our faith and strengthen our health.

May 27, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Lesson
Class description

Tommorrow night Rabbi Nachman will teach us about the bitterness necessary for healing, and among other ideas, the relationships between healing and peace. This is a critical piece in our understanding and practice, to learn to make peace without ourselves in the world, to avoid illness and promote well being, a person must find peace. This Torah will also touch on how ‘sins’ disconnections from Hashem, increase bitterness and distance shalom. The tools he gives us for this can and will change our lives if we use them. Looking forward to seeing you.

Avraham Shira

June 3, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Rebbe Nachman on Healing
Class description

Shalom and Blessing. Tonight, after last week’s understanding of internal peace bringing health to the body, we will learn about external peace, l’sheim shamayim, and the level of controversies that are for the sake of heaven. All of this will lead us to a deep understanding about the pulse of man and the pulse of the Universe, in Kabbalah. The Rebbe will also explain the importance of cleansing our blood and the effects on our spirit and the rest of the body.

June 10, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Rebbe Nachman on Healing
Class description

Shalom and Welcome. Tonight we will explore a concept not often thought of as linked to Healing. Rabbi Nachman shows us how our arguments, disagreements and resentments lead to ill health, and how the oppossite, ‘machloket’-an argument for the sake of Heaven actually brings not only peace and healing, but also love and higher understanding.

This class is based on Likutei Moharan I. 56.9, and is naturally part of a larger context, which includes the idea of Matza as a bread of healing and Mann as the ‘bread of angels’. Looking forward to seeing all of you there, for as always, Rabbi Nachman’s Torah itself is an agent of healing and reintegrating the mind with our true, higher selves.

Avraham Shira

June 17, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Rebbe Nachman on Healing
Class description

Shalom and Welcome.
Tonight Rabbi Nachman will take us into the deepest places of healing, faith and metaphysical understanding. He will address the greatest challenges of faith and how we overcome this in health, as well as in all areas of spiritual life, including earning a living; faith in the righteous, astrology and astro-physics, other religions and their factions. We will prodeed slowly through each concept, not simply learning his words, but hoping with merit to integrate them according to where each of us is holding on this most intimate staircase to Hashem.

Look forward to seeing all of you.

Avraham Shira

June 24, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Rebbe Nachman on Healing
Class description

Shalom and Welcome.

Faith and healing are

Thursday night Rabbi Nachman again probes the relationship between faith and healing, and we will again address the differences between ‘faith healers’ and the type of faith the tzadik is talking about. In this piece, Torah 5 of the second section, Tinyana, the Rebbe address not only our faith in God, but our faith in the righteous and their power to be effective messengers for the healing so many of us need. We will also discuss the charlatans who take advantage of the innocent, and how to avoid this criminal ‘oshek’ in the name of Religion, including Judaism. This piece is controversial and problematic and must be handled with dignity and precision. Look forward to seeing you there on Web Yeshiva, Thursday night at 9pm.

Avraham Shira

July 1, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Rebbe Nachman on Healing
Class description

Shalom. Tomorrow night we will hear about Rabbi Nachmans vision of the future of healing. We will explain the network
of spiritual forces that leads to the healing powers in herbs and medicines, and learn how that system will change in the
future. It is an astounding take on medicine that will certainly challenge many of us, but also urge us into a new perception of the spiritual reality in which the physical world exists, and how the two ‘feed’ each other symbiotically.
It is a class i am privledged to learn and share with you, and touches on points from Kabbalistic astrology, and the union of moral and physical law.

I look forward to seeing all of you there.

Avraham Shira

July 8, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Rebbe Nachman on Healing
Class description

Shalom and Welcome, tomorrow night we will explore with Rabbi Nachman the concept of segula, both from a healing perspective and a metaphysical idea. Both levels inform each other of this level ‘beyond’ human intellect. The Rebbe provides us a path to understand these hidden things, and how segulot ‘work’ both above and within nature. Come join us tomorrow to look outside the ‘box’ of perceptions, and find perhaps the healing to many hidden troubles with the Segula of Am Yisrael.
Look forward to seeing you there,
Avraham Shira

July 15, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Rebbe Nachman on Healing: Rebbe Nachman on Healing
Class description

Shalom and Welcome to our final class of this zman and a fitting conclusion to a long and beneficial series on Rabbi Nachman’s teachings on healing, both physical and spiritual. Tonight we will examine the Rebbe’s greatest gift to the world, the Tikkun Klali, the general rememdy he promises can repair us to the highest roots of our souls. He will use the example of healing for epilepsy, and we will learn many things about the way the spiritual and physical interact to create the proper climate for healing. This material may be new and challenging to some people unfamiliar with the Kabbalistic position on how the body and soul interact in a holistic synergy, and how our interaction with the holiness embedded in Torah can transform the physical realm, chiefly through our speech. It has been and will always be a priveledge to learn this material together. See you tonight.

Avraham Shira

Rabbi Avraham Shira received smicha from Rabbi Benayahu Shmueli, Rosh Yeshivat HaMekubalim, Nahar Shalom, in Jerusalem. He has been a student and teacher in the Yeshiva since 1993. Since 1996 he has taught for twelve years at the Berot Bat Ayin Seminary, specializing in Likutei Moharan, and conducting workshops in meditation, and spiritual creative writing. He has also received a Masters Degree in Clinical Sociology & Family Therapy from the University of North Texas, Neve Yerushalayim Campus. Rabbi Shira has published a novel and translates a newsletter for Nahar Shalom. He lives with his wife, Elisheva and their five children in Bat Ayin, Gush Etzion.