Purim Through the Eyes of the Hasidic Masters

If Chanukah is exemplifiec by gratitude and praise, then Purim is distinguished by being the festival of feasting and joy. Is Purim meant to be merely a physical holiday, or is there more to it? The Hasidic masters think so.
Purim Through the Eyes of the Hasidic Masters: Lesson 1
PARSHAT ZACHOR/PARSHAT TETZAVEH: How do the Hasidic masters see connections between the Sidra and Parshat Zachor? Often, the two parsiyot coincide? How are Jews analogous to olives, and how is that expressed in the Midrash, and among the Hasidic masters? This will be the class’s gateway into Chassidus on Purim.
Purim Through the Eyes of the Hasidic Masters: Lesson 2
IF ONLY ONE PUR, (LOT) WAS CAST…WHY PURIM (LOTS)?: If one was to name this holiday, Purim may not have been the first name that would come to mind. What are we missing regarding the significance of Haman casting the lot that would declare our fate? And if there is only one lot cast, why does the name of the Chag imply two? Maybe the miracle is not as “natural” as one might think. The Masters spend some time pondering this. See you tonight.
Purim Through the Eyes of the Hasidic Masters: Lesson 3
RAV NACHMAN LIKES TO CLAP HANDS AND DANCE…: …especially on Purim. Once again, Purim is elevated from its particular context to the war against Amalek, and making the non-Jewish world aware of the greatness of the Holy One. In this Torah, Yitro is brought as an example of making God’s greatness known to the entire world. Rav Nachman sees this inspired by Ya’akov. It’s a long one that we may not get through, but it is worth the effort…
Purim Through the Eyes of the Hasidic Masters: Lesson 4
FINISHING RAV NACHMAN, AND BEGINNING A SEFAT EMET:Rav Nachman finally connects Mordechai and Esther to clapping dancing and Purim. We’ll give a brief review of what has been previously covered, and finish Rav Nachman’s extended Torah just in time for Parshat Mishpatim! After this is concluded, the Sefat Emet explains the unique connection between two polar opposite holidays, Purim, and Yom Ki-pPurim. How to transform a physical feast into a spiritual se’uda. All in a day’s work at webyeshiva!
Purim Through the Eyes of the Hasidic Masters: Lesson 5
IN THE WORLD TO COME, ALL THE HOLIDAYS WILL BE NULLIFIED EXCEPT FOR…: …Purim and Yom Hakipurim. Last week we delved into the deep connections between these two holidays, but there was still much left to do. Amalek, the great nemesis appears in the form of distracting thoughts. The fact is that emotions are often perceived as invasive spirits that thwart our desire to fulfill potential. For the Sefat Emet, Purim is a morality tale where this drama is played out, not once, but throughout our lives.
Purim Through the Eyes of the Hasidic Masters: Lesson 6
IN THE DAYS OF AHASEURERAS, THEY AFFIRMED WHAT THEY HAD ALREADY RECEIVED: The Megilla states that the Jews had “affirmed and they received”, but shouldn’t it be the opposite? Doesn’t one receive first and only then affirm? The Talmud states that they “affirmed what they had long ago received”, meaning the Torah–the first time they weren’t given much choice. Both the Sefat Emet and the Maharal have much to say on the matter, and it has everything to do with the essential nature of Purim. We’ll still be using the same handouts we had last week. Prepare for Chag both externally and internally!
Purim Through the Eyes of the Hasidic Masters: Lesson 7
WHY IS PURIM CELEBRATED WHEN ALL OTHER HOLIDAYS HAVE BEEN NULLIFIED?: For some reason during messianic times when Mitzvot are no longer necessary, Purim will survive, and we will be celebrating it in the world to come. Want to know why? Tune in as the Maharal unpacks why that is and the connections between Purim and Yom Ki-Purim….
Purim Through the Eyes of the Hasidic Masters: Lesson 8
FROM PURIM TO PARAH: Parshat Parah begins with the statement that the following law is a “Chukat” or a “Chok”. The “Chok”, as the sages have expressed, is not an idea that can be readily understood. Are we prevented from seeking a reason, or are we just being told that we will not be successful even if we do? The whole notion that something impure has the power to purify is enough to bewilder the most discerning exegete, but rest assured, the Hasidic masters are undaunted, as they plumb the mysteries of the most enigmatic of mitzvot.