Oaths, Pledges & Halacha
On Shavu’ot the Jewish people took an oath to faithfully observe the commandments of the Torah. Join Rabbi Dovid Fink as he explores: When is it proper for us today to make an oath or a pledge (שבועה or נדר)? What is the value of an oath or a pledge made when you feel your life is in danger and you need heavenly assistance? What is the status of an oath to fulfill the Torah?
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Oaths, Pledges & Halacha: Lesson 19
Kiddush: Dear Shiur, Please find attached the summery sheets for Orech Chaim, Mishna Brura section 1 ( the davening halachot). If there is demand, I will bh put a summary together for the kiddush and candle lighting as well. Please send me an email to [email protected] to acknowledge that you received this notice and were able to download the summary. I am sending it in both Word format as well as PDF. The PDF may be easier to read, but the Word will enable you to edit the material as fits you. Last but not least, as we are dealing with halacha, I ask that if you catch any mistake, please let me know asap. The test BH will be following in the following days.
Oaths, Pledges & Halacha: Lesson 1
In desperate situations you might want to turn to G-d and pledge that you will give charity or perform other good deeds if He will save you or whoever needs saving. We will begin by examining the opinions of the great rabbis regarding the appropriateness of such pledges.
In addition to being one of Rabbi Brovender's first students, Rabbi Dovid Fink is an outstanding expertᅠand teacher of Halacha. Rabbi Fink received his Rabbinic ordination from ITRI and the Mir and was awarded his Ph.D in Semitic Languages and Linguistics from Yale University. Rav Fink has taught thousands of students from all over the world for over 35 years.