Listening to non-Jewish Music
Are there types of non-Jewish music which may be halachicaly unacceptable to listen too? What about music which mentions deities of other religions, profanity, or simply lyrics which deny the existence of God? Join Rabbi Dovid Fink for an exploration of this topic using traditional halachic sources from the Talmud down through today’s leading poskim.
Listening to non-Jewish Music: Listening to non-Jewish Music
We begin with the rules governing listening to music in general.
Then we will apply those rules specifically to non-Jewish music. This will cover both non-Jewish religious music (e.g., a requiem by Mozart or a song by Bob Marley) and non-Jewish secular music (e.g., a symphony by Mozart or a song by the Grateful Dead).
Hebrew sources, surveying the opinions of the leading rabbis, are available through the links in both WORD format and pdf. In class we will translate and explain these sources.
In addition to being one of Rabbi Brovender's first students, Rabbi Dovid Fink is an outstanding expertᅠand teacher of Halacha. Rabbi Fink received his Rabbinic ordination from ITRI and the Mir and was awarded his Ph.D in Semitic Languages and Linguistics from Yale University. Rav Fink has taught thousands of students from all over the world for over 35 years.