• January 19, 2025
  • 19 5785, Tevet
  • פרשת וארא

Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14

Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14


All students enrolled in the Kitchen & Shabbat course with Rabbi Fink are strongly encouraged to take this optional preparation class. Here, Rabbi Brovender will review important topics, concepts and other information needed to fully understand the discussions in the main class.

October 17, 2013 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 1
Class description

Weekly Preparation: BASIC DEFINITION OF COOKING: USE OF SOLAR COOKERS I- Rabbi Brovender reviews the sources of Rav Fink’s first class on October 20th 2013 .Rav Fink’s description…. There are several essential elements in defining what is and what is not cooking on Shabbat. We will begin with the source of heat. An analysis of the opinions of the leading poskim regarding solar cookers will lead us to an understanding of the halachic ideas at the root of the prohibition to cook on Shabbat. Sources in the accompanying link (named “Sources for Shiur”) begin with the Shulchan Aruch and continue with a survey of contemporary Rabbinic opinions. In this session we covered the Shulchan Aruch, Mishna Brura and began the Tsits Eliezer. Review questions appear on the WebYeshiva forum, which is open to all participants.

October 24, 2013 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 2
Class description

Preparation: Basic Definition of Cooking: Use of Solar Cookers II- Rabbi Brovender reviews the sources for Rav Fink’s 2nd shiur on October 27th, 2013. We are going to begin with the passage of the Tsits Eliezer beginning with: וכבר ראיתי בגדולה מזו בספר שביתת השבת and we will complete the teshuva. I hope to begin the teshuva of the Yabbia Omer as well. Rav Fink’s description…. There are several essential elements in defining what is and what is not cooking on Shabbat. We will begin with the source of heat. An analysis of the opinions of the leading poskim regarding solar cookers will lead us to an understanding of the halachic ideas at the root of the prohibition to cook on Shabbat. Sources in the accompanying link begin with the Shulchan Aruch and continue with a survey of contemporary Rabbinic opinions. In class we will translate and analyze these sources.

October 31, 2013 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 3
Class description

PREPARATION: BASIC DEFINITION OF COOKING: USE OF SOLAR COOKERS III- Rabbi Brovender prepares the sources for Rav Fink’s 3rd shiur on November 3rd, 2013. We will be starting with the תשובה of the הר צבי and hopefully finishing the rest of the sources. Rav Fink’s Class Description: Continuation and conclusions regarding solar cooking and the basic definition of the prohibition.

November 7, 2013 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 4
Class description

Preparation: What Utensils Cook?-We will be starting with the text of the gemara 40b. We will prepare the Rashi, Tosafot, and Mishna Berura from the attached source sheet. Rav Fink’s Class Description: The next basic element in defining the prohibition of cooking on Shabbat centers on the utensil. We will learn the difference between kli rishon (utensils heated on the stove) as opposed to other utensils into which hot food can be transferred. We will begin by examining the status of various utensils and their ability to cook.

November 14, 2013 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 5
Class description

Preparation: Continuing Kli Rishon and Tea- Rabbi Brovender prepares the sources for Rav Fink’s 5th shiur on November 17, 2013 Next Sunday, the shiur on Kitchen and Shabbat will begin with the opinion of the מנחת יצחק and יביע אומר at the end of “Kli Rishon”. Then we will begin “Tea.” Rav Fink’s Class Description: Continuation and conclusion of the principles defining which utensils are prohibited and which are permitted for cooking on Shabbat. We will begin learning the laws of perparing tea on Shabbat.

November 21, 2013 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 6
Class description

Preparation: Tea- Rabbi Brovender prepares the sources for Rav Fink’s 6th shiur on November 24, 2013. We will continue the sources on Tea. Rav Fink’s Class Description: Some foods are קלי הבישול. They are easily and quickly cooked and it is prohibited to put them in a kli sheini. We will survey the opinions of the Mishna Brura, R. Ovadya Yosef, Aruch ha-Shulchan, and R. Moshe Feinstein.

December 5, 2013 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 7
Class description

Preparation: Chazara (Returning food to the heat source)- Rabbi Brovender prepares the sources for Rav Fink’s 7th shiur on December 8, 2013. We will prepare the Mishna Brura, the Chazon Ish, and begin the Iggerot Moshe.  Rav Fink’s Class Description: We will turn to our next topic, returning food or soup to the source of heat after having removed it on Shabbat. When is it permitted to put fully cooked food back on the heat on Shabbat? Can fully cooked food be taken from the refrigerator on Shabbat morning and heated? After removing a soup pot from the heat and serving some it, can the pot be returned to the heat? In class we will survey the opinions quoted in the source sheet. The sheet is entitled “Chazara”, meaning “returning” [food to the heat].

December 12, 2013 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 8
Class description

Preparation: Chazara Continued- Rabbi Brovender prepares the sources for Rav Fink’s 8th shiur on December 15, 2013.We will continue with last week’s source sheet with the Har Tsvi and the Yehavve Daat. Rav Fink’s Class Description: In the previous shiurim we have defined which foods may be reheated. Now the question is: How must the gas flame or electric heating element be covered when reheating foods on Shabbat?

December 19, 2013 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 9
Class description

Preparation: Improperly Heated Food-Rabbi Brovender prepares the sources for Rav Fink’s 9th shiur on December 22, 2013. Rav Fink’s Class Description: What happens if food has been improperly heated or cooked on Shabbat? This problem arises in two situations: (1) when a mistake is made in a Torah-observant household; and (2) when food is cooked by non-observant Jews. The rules governing improperly prepared food apply equally to anything done in violation of Shabbat. By analyzing the opinions of the poskim regarding which food may and which food may not be eaten when prepared in violation of Shabbat, we will also understand when it is permitted and when it is prohibited to benefit from any other violation of Shabbat. For example, may we use an object that was transported through the public domain in violation of Shabbat? May we use a taxi or bus which began its route before the end of Shabbat? If I follow a strict view prohibiting something on Shabbat and another Jew follows the lenient view permitting what I prohibit, may I benefit from his or her actions?

December 26, 2013 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 10
Class description
January 9, 2014 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 11
Class description

Rabbi Brovender prepares the sources for Rav Fink’s 11th shiur on January 12, 2014. Rav Fink’s Class Description: Next Sunday we will finish הטמנה by looking at material already distributed: חזון איש סימן לז אות ל משנה ברורה סימן רנז ס”ק יד Then we will turn to Crockpots. Both the old hatmana material and the new Crockpot material are attached.

January 16, 2014 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 12
Class description
January 30, 2014 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 13
Class description
February 6, 2014 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 14
Class description
February 20, 2014 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 15
Class description
February 27, 2014 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 16
Class description
March 6, 2014 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 17
Class description
March 20, 2014 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Kitchen & Shabbat Prep 2013/14: Lesson 18
Class description

Rabbi Chaim Brovender is the Rosh Yeshiva of WebYeshiva and President of ATID - The Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions in Jewish Education, in Jerusalem. He was the founding Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hamivtar and Michlelet Bruria (today, Midreshet Lindenbaum) where he pioneered the teaching of Gemara to students for whom the Talmud had been a closed book. For over forty years he has been a leading force in teaching Torah in Israel and enabling his students to "learn how to learn" according to the renowned "Brovender Method."