Kitchen & Shabbat

In this course Rabbi Dovid Fink will cover an overview of the laws of cooking and reheating food on Shabbat, with an emphasis on the underlying principles of Shabbat melakhah.
Time of Class
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Our first topic in “Kitchen and Shabbat” deals with setting timers on Erev Shabbat to control devices on Shabbat.
A source sheet is available through the links in both WORD format and pdf. In class we will translate these sources and explain them.
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
In sources in the links complete our survey of the opinions of the principal modern poskim (Iggerot Moshe and Or le-Tsiyyon) regarding the use of timers on Shabbat.
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Our next topic is שהייה, leaving food on a source of heat before Shabbat, so that it will continue cooking and stay hot for the meal on Shabbat.
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Until this point, we have discussed halachot that apply before Shabbat begins.
Now we begin to deal with halachot during Shabbat.
The first topic: חזרה, removing a pot of food from the source of heat, serving food from it, and returning the pot to the source of heat.
As usual, sources are available through the links.
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
After חזרה (returning a pot of food to the source of heat on Shabbat), we will turn to the distinction between כלי ראשון (the pot that sits on the source of heat) and כלי שני (a utensil into which the food is poured from a כלי ראשון.
As usual, sources are attached in both WORD format and pdf.
Note: We will not be meeting next week (on Hanukka). Our next class will take place on 5 January 2025.
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Our next topic: the distinction between כלי ראשון, a utensil that sits on a source of heat, and כלי שני, a utensil into which you put the hot food.
Following that, we will deal with בישול אחר בישול (situations in which reheating is prohibited).
Sources, as usual, are available through the links.
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
A source sheet for הטמנה is available through the links in both WORD format and pdf.
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
We know that the leniency of אין בישול אחר בישול applies to dry, solid food. Therefore, fully cooked food that is dry and solid can be heated on Shabbat in accord with the rules we have learned.
We also know that this leniency of reheating does not apply to דבר לח (a liquid).
But all solid foods have some moisture in them and on them. Exactly how much moisture categorizes a food as liquid?
Sources are available through the links as usual.
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Coloring or colouring (צובע) is prohibited on Shabbat and Yom Tov. The prohibition of coloring includes painting walls, dying fabric, and coloring food.
Since color is an important element in food preparation, we will focus on the rules governing what is permitted and what is prohibited on Shabbat.
Sources are available through the links.
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
Kitchen & Shabbat: Kitchen & Shabbat
In addition to being one of Rabbi Brovender's first students, Rabbi Dovid Fink is an outstanding expertᅠand teacher of Halacha. Rabbi Fink received his Rabbinic ordination from ITRI and the Mir and was awarded his Ph.D in Semitic Languages and Linguistics from Yale University. Rav Fink has taught thousands of students from all over the world for over 35 years.