King David: Poet, Warrior, King
King David is arguably one of the most significant figures in all of Tanach. He was a king and a warrior, the founder of the eternal dynasty known as Malchut Bet David. In fact, he is the ancestor of the Melech Hamashiach himself. Yet he was also a musician and poet; as the author of many of the Psalms, he is described by the intriguing title Ne’im Zemirot Yisrael (II Shmuel 23:1). In this series with Rabbi Alan Haber study the first part of the life of this intriguing figure, from his youth through his coronation as king. Our primary text will be the relevant sections of the book of Shmuel, but we will also refer to other biblical texts including Divrei HaYamim and Tehillim.
Rabbi Alan Haber serves on the faculty of World Bnei Akiva’s Midreshet Torah V’Avodah and has taught at Nishmat, Matan, and YTA. He was one of the founders of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY) serving as director for 16 years. A licensed professional tour guide, he has lectured widely in Israel and around the world and is a graduate of Yeshivat Har Etzion and Yeshiva University.