Jews, Judaism, and Modernity Part 3
Join Rabbi Jeffrey Saks for an overview of major topics in Modern Jewish history, including Emancipation and Enlightenment, and their impacts on Jewish life, culture, and observance; Zionism and the State; Modern anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. This ambitious agenda will be pursued through an encounter with primary sources, and with thinking about how our lives as contemporary, religious Jews is affected by the events of the past 250 years.
Jews, Judaism, and Modernity Part 3: Lesson 3
CANTONISTS: In attempting to offer solutions to the “Jewish Question” some governments offered carrots, others sticks (before just resorting to mass annihilation). Among the more bitter sticks were Jewish juvenile recruits to the Russian Army – the so-called Cantonist system.
Jews, Judaism, and Modernity Part 3: Lesson 6
Jews, Judaism, and Modernity Part 3: Lesson 8
THE DREYFUS AFFAIR: Perhaps one of the most infamous chapters in modern European anti-Semitism – with profound impact. Full text of J’Accuse in English at:’accuse
Rabbi Jeffrey Saks is the founding director of ATID – The Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions in Jewish Education, in Jerusalem, and its program. He is the Editor of the journal Tradition, Series Editor of The S.Y. Agnon Library at The Toby Press, and Director of Research at the Agnon House in Jerusalem. A three-time graduate of Yeshiva University (BA, MA, Semicha), Rabbi Saks has published widely on Jewish thought, education, and literature (see