Hilchot Shabbat: Topics of Interest Part 2

Among the topics to be covered: Preparing for Shabbat, the use of video monitors, timers, and diapers/nappies. Participants are encouraged to suggest other topics of interest to them. For each topic we will focus on the opinions of the leading authorities. PLEASE NOTE: This class needs a minimum of 10 registered and paying students in order to ensure its continuation.
Hilchot Shabbat: Topics of Interest Part 2: Lesson 1
The Obligation to Prepare before Shabbat- Embarking on an ocean cruise on Friday when the crew will violate Shabbat. Undergoing non-urgent surgery on Friday when the hospital staff will violate Shabbat in treating you. A link with sources has been sent to all participants. We will examine the sources to answer the question: must one prepare for Shabbat in a way which will guarantee that Shabbat will be properly observed?
Hilchot Shabbat: Topics of Interest Part 2: Lesson 3
Timers for Electric Devices: Our next topic is the use of timers to control electrical devices on Shabbat. We will survey the opinions of the great poskim regarding setting up such timers before Shabbat for use on Shabbat. A link with sources has been sent to all participants.
Hilchot Shabbat: Topics of Interest Part 2: Lesson 7
Video Monitors on Shabbat: Our next topic will be video monitors on Shabbat for security and medical purposes. Is it permitted to walk down the street when you know that you will be observed on a video monitor? May a video monitor be used to supervise a sleeping baby on Shabbat? A link with source material has been sent to all participants.
In addition to being one of Rabbi Brovender's first students, Rabbi Dovid Fink is an outstanding expertᅠand teacher of Halacha. Rabbi Fink received his Rabbinic ordination from ITRI and the Mir and was awarded his Ph.D in Semitic Languages and Linguistics from Yale University. Rav Fink has taught thousands of students from all over the world for over 35 years.