• January 14, 2025
  • 14 5785, Tevet
  • פרשת שמות

Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16

Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16


In this in-depth course with Mrs. Sally Mayer, we will study all aspects of the Laws of Nidda from the sources, tracing the development of the halakha from the time of the Torah through today, including practical questions of our time. In addition, we will include psychological considerations and women’s health issues into our learning.

October 21, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 1
Class description
October 28, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 2
Class description

The sources for the next 2 sessions are all in one document because it is one topic.

November 4, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 3
Class description
November 12, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 4
Class description
November 18, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 5
Class description

Topic: The Five Days that precede the hefsek taharah once the woman is a niddah. We covered the development of the 5-day minimum, and discussed Rav Moshe Feinstein’s teshuva with regard to exceptional cases. Next week we will discuss his final case of “halakhic infertility,” where a woman ovulates before she goes to the mikvah due to waiting a full 12 days

November 25, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 6
Class description

This week we finished up the “five days” and began discussing hefsek tahara. We covered the following issues: 1) The centrality of this bedika to change the halakhic presumption from a woman who is seeing blood to one who is not seeing blood. 2) The issue of timing: ideally in the late afternoon but before sunset, bedi’avad OK in the morning unless it was רואה יום אחד in which case the afternoon is essential. 3) The idea of the moch – which is a minhag lechatchilah in general, and the shulchan arukh views it as essential in the רואה יום אחד case. ** We will discuss the moch further next time as well. 4) Does starting shabbat early change day into night for the purpose of hefsek tahara? Terumat haDeshen – yes, Rema says ideally a woman does the bedika before the community davens maariv (ie to be machmir like the Terumat haDeshen) and bedi’avad she can still do the bedika until actual sunset. Next week we will continue discussing the hefsek tahara and cover the following issues: 1) Type of cloth to use. 2) Method of the bedika 3) Washing prior to the hefsek tahara 4) The Moch 5) What happens if a woman did her bedika after sunset? For some background regarding sunset and nightfall and what “bein hashmashot” is, see this short piece: http://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/710224/Rabbi_Daniel_Z-_Feldman/Halakhic_Night Please feel free to be in touch with any questions. Looking forward, Sally

December 2, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 7
Class description
December 16, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 8
Class description

We will be’ezrat Hashem begin to discuss the shiva neki’im. As always, please feel free to be in touch with any questions.

December 23, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 9
Class description

Shalom to All, Looking forward to our upcoming shiur as we discuss Mikveh. This week we will relate to the fundamental halacha of the mikveh, the timing of tevilah and the bracha over tevilah. Next week we will discuss chatzitzot, barriers to tevilah. As always, please feel free to be in touch with any questions you may have. All the best, Sally

December 30, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 10
Class description

We will cover Chatziza – intervening substances between the woman and the mikveh water. This will take us at least 2 weeks. Looking forward to hearing specific questions you would like us to address with regard to chatzitzot. Feel free to email me privately if you prefer. All the best, Sally

January 6, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 11
Class description
January 13, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 12
Class description

As I mentioned at the end of last week’s class, I may not record the entire shiur, since it relates to a sensitive topic. Anyone who cannot attend live is welcome to be in touch afterward to try to fill in what was missed. As always, I am always happy to answer questions – please be in touch!  Sally

January 27, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 13
Class description

Shalom to All, This week we discussed “Hilkhot Tzniut,” with regard to intimacy. As I had said, we did not record the shiur so that everyone would feel comfortable discussing this sensitive topic. We have a few more points to finish up next week; I am posting the sources for this topic now, and in the coming days I will post next week’s sources for preparation. As always, I am happy to answer any questions you may have and to go over what was missed by anyone who could not attend live. All the best, Sally

February 3, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 14
Class description

Shalom to All, Today we finished our discussion of intimacy and touched upon some halakhot particular to a kallah getting married. We also began the topic of the harchakot. The class was recorded and is available in the archives. In addtion to part one of the sources on harchakot we covered another few sources on the topic. Looking forward to next week, be’ezrat Hashem! Please feel free to be in touch with any questions. Kol tuv, Sally

February 17, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 15
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February 24, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 16
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March 2, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 17
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Shalom to All! This week we will finish up harchakot and introduce the topic of Vestot, anticipating the next period. Looking forward, be’ezrat Hashem. Please feel free to be in touch with any questions. Kol tuv, Sally

March 9, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 18
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March 16, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 19
Class description
March 30, 2016 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Hilchot Nidda (Women’s track) 2015/16: Lesson 20
Class description

Sally Mayer teaches Talmud and Halakhah at Midreshet Lindenbaum, where she also serves as a mentor to her students. She lectured in the Educators Training Program at Midreshet Lindenbaum and has worked as an editor for the new Koren translation of the Talmud. Before moving to Israel with her family, Sally was a member of the core faculty that helped to build Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls in Teaneck, NJ, where she chaired the Talmud Department and directed Israel Guidance. She has served as Education Director at The Jewish Center on Manhattan’s Upper West Side and lectures in communities in the United States and Israel. She holds a BA from Stern College, an MA in Medieval Jewish History from Yeshiva University, and studied at Drisha Institute in the Scholars Circle Program. Sally lives in Neve Daniel with her husband and children.