Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16
Taught by Mrs. Aviva Stern, this Halacha Mastery Program course is an optional but highly recommended review and prep course for Mrs. Sally Mayer’s “Hilchot Nidda” course.
These sessions will provide you with an opportunity to review the material learned as well as prepare the upcoming mekorot (sources). While attendance is not mandatory, WebYeshiva.org has created this course as an opportunity to enhance your experience and in the Halacha Mastery Program.
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 1
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 2
In this class, we will begin by reviewing any questions you may have from the previous week and from the previous main shiur. We will then begin learning the sources which discuss how a woman becomes a nidda, including the criteria for the color of the blood, as well as defining the term hargasha.
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 3
Hi everyone! We will continue our learning of the sources of how a woman becomes a nidda. In this session we will study in greater depth the concept of hargasha and safek hargasha. Feel free to look over the source sheet in advance (same as last week, reposted here) and see if there is something particular you would like to read. As always, I am here to answer any questions, either via email or at the beginning of the class. Looking forward, Aviva
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 4
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 5
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 6
Hi everyone, Today we will read and learn together the final case in R’ Moshe’s teshuva, regarding the case of ‘halakhic infertility,’ when a woman ovulates before going to the mikvah due to waiting the full 12 days. We will also begin the sources for the next topic, the hefsek tahara. I am attaching both source sheets. Besorot tovot, Aviva
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 7
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 9
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 10
Hi everyone, Today we will begin learning the sources about chatzitza, physical barriers, which are removed prior to tevila. I hope to structure the class slightly differently this week, and hopefully going forward, so that it include more “Beit Midrash” learning time (off the record!) as well as more time for review. Looking forward, Aviva
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 18
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 19
Hilchot Nidda Prep (Women’s Track) 2015/16: Lesson 22
Aviva Stern is a Yoetzet Halacha for the Efrat community and master Jewish educator. She is a head limudei kodesh teacher at Orot Etzion Banot in Efrat and is an experienced kallah teacher. She holds a BA in Jewish Studies and an MA in Bible, both from Yeshiva University, as well as a teaching certificate in Tanakh from Herzog College. She lives in Efrat with her husband and six children.