• February 14, 2025
  • 16 5785, Shevat
  • פרשת יתרו

Healing Rifts: The Quest for Reconciliation in Tanach

Healing Rifts: The Quest for Reconciliation in Tanach

Tanakh is filled with personalities who suffered at the hands of others, some reconciled and some not. This Tisha B’Av join Rachel Sharansky Danziger as she explores biblical examples of finding our way past hatred and the challenges involved. For the full Tisha B’Av 2023 schedule CLICK HERE

July 27, 2023 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Healing Rifts: The Quest for Reconciliation in Tanach: Healing Rifts: the Quest for Reconciliation in Tanach
Class description

Rachel Sharansky Danziger is a Jerusalem-born writer and educator. She writes about the intersections between life, history, and Jewish texts for The times of Israel, Kveller, and other online venues, with an emphasis on the role of storytelling in Tanach. Rachel teaches about similar themes at Matan, Maharat, Pardes, and Torah-in-Motion. Currently a Sefaria Word-by-Word fellow, Rachel is working on a book about Sefer Shoftim.