• September 12, 2024
  • 9 5784, Elul
  • פרשת כי־תצא

Halell HaGadol: The Fifth Cup, March 27 & April 3

Halell HaGadol: The Fifth Cup, March 27 & April 3

The Fifth Cup and Hallel HaGadol as elucidated in Maharal’s Gevurot HaShem.

In this course we will specifically explore Maharal’s analysis of the culminating latter part of the Seder, including Birkat HaMazon (Third Cup), Hallel (Fourth Cup) and lastly, the Hallel HaGadol which is the Fifth Cup. Maharal beautifully portrays the transition within the Seder from historic narrative to recognition and appreciation of being Am Yisrael, and finally, to the most joyous, ecstatic outpouring of Thanksgiving existing within the entire body of Jewish liturgy.

March 28, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Halell HaGadol: The Fifth Cup, March 27 & April 3: Lesson 1
Class description
April 4, 2016 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Halell HaGadol: The Fifth Cup, March 27 & April 3: Lesson 2
Class description

Mr. Martin Kaufman was educated at Yeshiva Universty and New York University"s Graduate School of Business Administration. Was Chairman and CEO of Philipp Brothers, formerly one of the world's largest commodity trading companies. He is a global consultant to entities in the financial and natural resource sectors all over the world. Mr. Kaufman has lectured extensively in numerous Adult Education programs for many years and presently gives shiurim in the New York City area. He has also served on two boards of Yeshiva University, amongst many other Boards. Mr. Kaufman lives in Manhattan with his wife and three children.