From High Holidays to Sukkot (September 15)

The Hebrew month of Tishrei begins with the High Holidays, a time of redemption, forgiveness and growth for the Jewish people. We repair relationships with one another, with God, and internally with ourselves. The month begins with Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year, and continues with Yom Kippur, on which we pray for forgiveness from each other and God. Following these holy days, we move outside into the Sukkah for the week for the holiday of Sukkot. This class will discuss the transitions and connections between these holidays.
Rabbi Yehoshua Geller received Smicha from Rav Mordechai Elefant zt"l and the ITRI Yeshiva, where he was a Talmid for many years. He served as the Rosh Beit Medrash of the English Speakers' Program at the Jerusalem College of Technology/Machon Lev, Rabbi Geller has also taught at Yeshivat Yam HaTalmud and Yeshivat Hamivtar. Rabbi Geller holds an M.A. in Hebrew Studies.