Focused Track Gemara – Beginners – Keddushin Chapter 2

This shiur with Rabbi Chaim Brovender is open to serious students with little or no background in gemara learning and a high level of commitment and motivation in their studies. Students will be expected to prepare materiel for shiurim in advance and to attend classes regularly. The regular gemara shiur will take place twice a week. Students will learn individually in a chavruta with Rabbi Brovender, they will practice reading together, and Rabbi Brovender will give the student feedback and comments on their progress. This semester we will be studying Tractate Kedushin.
Rabbi Chaim Brovender is the Rosh Yeshiva of WebYeshiva and President of ATID - The Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions in Jewish Education, in Jerusalem. He was the founding Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hamivtar and Michlelet Bruria (today, Midreshet Lindenbaum) where he pioneered the teaching of Gemara to students for whom the Talmud had been a closed book. For over forty years he has been a leading force in teaching Torah in Israel and enabling his students to "learn how to learn" according to the renowned "Brovender Method."