Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time
Jews around the world study the same page of Talmud each day as part of the 7-year cycle of the Daf Yomi. Join Rabbanit Dr. Tamara Spitz each week as she reviews the key topics of the previous week’s seven pages, gaining an overview of the entire Talmud while also doing a deeper analysis of one of the core issues in that week’s text. We will combine breadth and depth to gain insights into each Tractate being studied, and enjoy the benefits of moving through topics at a quicker pace. Whatever your background in Talmud, this shiur will allow you to connect to the worldwide phenomenon of Daf Yomi study, whether you learn the daf each day or just want to gain an overview of the entire Gemara.
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Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 5: Daf 26-32
We will review Daf 26-32 and discuss the origins of Prayer on Daf 26b.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 12: Daf 12-18
This week we will learn key concepts from Daf 12-18 including the Laws of Purity and Impurity in regards to vessels and food. We will discuss the difference between clay and metal vessels. Are glass vessels more like clay or more like metal in regards to ritual purity? We will also learn about angels and their role in our prayers.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 13: Daf 19-25
This week we will review Daf 19-25 and discuss topics such as: How were oil and wine made in Talmudic times? How much does food need to be cooked before Shabbat so that one can leave it on the fire on Shabbat? We will also start the second chapter of Shabbat and discuss the source for lighting candles on Chanukah.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 18: Daf 55-60
We will review Daf 55-60 this week. After finishing the 5th chapter, we will start the 6th chapter and discuss what people are allowed to wear when leaving their houses on Shabbat, and the differences between men and women. We will then discuss the famous section in this week’s daf about the transgressions, or not, of King David.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 19: Daf 61-67
This week we will review Daf 61-67. We will continue to discuss what men and women can go out with on Shabbat. Can weapons be work as jewelry? Can a woman wear a wig on Shabbat? Why does the Gemara discuss incantations? Do we really believe that they heal?
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 20: Daf 68-74
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 21: Daf 75-81
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 22: Daf 82-88
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 24: Daf 96-102
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 25: Daf 102-109
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 26: Daf 110-116
We will review concepts in Daf 110-116 including how to prevent snake bites, which knots are prohibited and which are permitted on Shabbat, as well as what we are allowed to save from a burning building on Shabbat. We will then discuss how we can make Shabbat special by what we wear and how we act.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 27: Daf 117-123
This week we will review Daf 117-123. We will discover what things we are allowed to save from a fire, if a Non-Jew may extinguish the fire and do other actions for you on Shabbat, numerous reasons for the destruction of the Temple, and we will return to the subject of Muktza, understanding what objects we may move on Shabbat.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 28: Daf 124-130
This week we will review concepts in Daf 124-130 including moving utensils, moving boxes of food to make room for guests and moving animals on Shabbat. We will also discuss what we may do for a laboring woman on Shabbat and the importance of judging people favorably.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 29: Daf 131-137
This week we will review key concepts in Daf 131-137 including when and how does Brit Milah, circumcision, override Shabbat, what things override a Yom Tov, Festival, and how exactly one performs a Brit Milah. We will also try and understand how one can be “beautiful before G-d”.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 30: Daf 137-144
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time Lesson 32: Daf 152-157+Siyum
We will review key concepts in Daf 152-157 including the effects of aging, having a Non-Jew carry your items on Shabbat and how we relate to our animals on Shabbat. We will finish the Masechet together with a Siyum. We will then have an introduction to Masechet Eruvin.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 33: Daf 2-9
We will start Masechet Eruvin this week and review the key concepts in Daf 2-9 including understanding what an open and closed alleyway are and how we are able to carry within them. We will also discuss different permutations of alleyways, courtyards, and public thoroughfares.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 34: Eruvin Daf 10-16
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 35: Daf 17-23
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 36: Daf 24-30
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 37: Daf 31-37
This week we will discuss the parameters of setting up an Eruv Techumin that allows you to travel an extra 2000 amot past the city limits on Shabbat. We will learn that it can be placed in various strange places and when the placement will invalidate it. We will then focus on the Gemara concepts of Chazaka and Breira (to be defined in class!)
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 38: Daf 38-44
This week will discuss topics in Daf 38-44 including if one can make a separate Eruv for Shabbat and a different Eruv for a Festival that either precedes or follows Shabbat. We will discover the true nature of the 2 days of Rosh Hashana and what happens when a fast day falls on Friday or Sunday. And we will read about a flying Elijah and the coming of the Messiah.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 39: Daf 45-51
This week we will discuss key concepts in Daf 45-51 including if you fell asleep before Shabbat and woke up on Shabbat, where is your Techum, how far can you walk on Shabbat? Does rain establish a resting place before or on Shabbat? What is the philosophy behind making an Eruv?
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 40: Daf 52-58
This week we will complete the fourth chapter of Masechet Eruvin and begin the fifth. We will learn about extending the boundaries of a square or circular city 2000 amot in every direction and learn about halachic measuring techniques and concepts. We will also encounter the wise Talmudic female scholar, Bruriah and the greatness of learning Torah out loud.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 41: Daf 59-65
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 42: Daf 66-72
This week we will learn the fundamental concept of how we create an Eruv in a courtyard of multiple houses. Who needs to be a part of it, and what happens if they aren’t. We will also learn about joining all courtyards that open into one alleyway, who needs to join and how they go about joining.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 43: Daf 73-79
This week we will learn the differences between joining houses with an eruv and joining courtyards in an alleyway and the intricacies of an inner courtyard and it’s relationship to an outer courtyard. We will also learn about different mechanisms that join or separate adjoining courtyards.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 44:Daf 80-86
This week we will discuss if various people can make an eruv for others, including mothers-in-law for daughters-in-law and parents for children and if you need consent from someone to join them in the eruv. We will also learn what type and how much food needs to be set aside as the eruv and where it needs to be placed.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 45: Daf 87-93
This week we will learn about a ledge over water and how one can draw water from it. We will also discuss spilling waste water into the courtyard and finish the 8th chapter of Eruvin. Chapter 9 discusses roofs, courtyards, and karpefs and if they are viewed as separate or distinct domains.
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson 46: Daf 94-100
This week we will learn what happens if walls between courtyards fall down, or if the walls of a house are breached. We will complete the 9th chapter of Eruvin. The final chapter discusses what happens if you find Tefilin outside a city on Shabbat. Can you carry them into the city in order to save them or do you have to leave them where they are?
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson
Daf Yomi: One Week at a Time: Lesson
Rabbanit Dr. Tamara Spitz is the Rosh Beit Midrash and Mashgicha Ruchanit of Midreshet Torah v'Avodah. She lectures on various topics in Gemara, including Daf Yomi, Halacha, and Tefilah. Dr. Spitz has held academic and administrative positions at various Midrashot and served as the Jewish Studies Principal of Instituto Yavne, one of the main Jewish day schools of Montevideo, Uruguay. She also runs a Chiropractic practice specializing in Women’s Health in Gush Etzion and is a Hip-Hop dance teacher.