Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Shekalim

Jews around the world study the same page of Talmud each day as part of the 7-year cycle of the Daf Yomi. Join Rabbanit Dr. Tamara Spitz each week as she reviews the key topics of the previous week’s seven pages, gaining an overview of the entire Talmud while also doing a deeper analysis of one of the core issues in that week’s text.
We will combine breadth and depth to gain insights into each Tractate being studied, and enjoy the benefits of moving through topics at a quicker pace. Whatever your background in Talmud, this shiur will allow you to connect to the worldwide phenomenon of Daf Yomi study, whether you learn the daf each day or just want to gain an overview of the entire Gemara.
For the previous tractate, masechet Pesachim, please visit HERE.
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Shekalim: Lesson 1: Daf 2-9
This week we are going to learn the first 3 chapters in Masechet Shekalim. We will learn when and how the half shekel was collected and who needs to give it. We will see how the money was brought to the Temple each year and what the money was used for. We will learn how careful they were not to arouse any suspicions of impropriety.
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Shekalim: Lesson 2: 10-16
This week we will finish the 4th and 5th chapters of Shekalim. We will learn what the money that was collected was used for in the Temple and what was done with the leftover money. There were various positions of note in the Temple and we will learn about the greatest of them. We will then learn about the importance of giving charity in the proper way and the secret of the missing ark.
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Shekalim: Lesson 3: Daf 17-22 Siyum Masechet
This week we will learn about the Temple structure including the gates of the Temple Mt, the utensils in the sanctuary and the 13 collection boxes. We will learn what happens to money found on the floor between these collection boxes and money found on the floor in various places in Jerusalem. We will also learn if one can separate Shekalim nowadays when we don’t have the Temple and we will conclude the Masechet together.
Rabbanit Dr. Tamara Spitz is the Rosh Beit Midrash and Mashgicha Ruchanit of Midreshet Torah v'Avodah. She lectures on various topics in Gemara, including Daf Yomi, Halacha, and Tefilah. Dr. Spitz has held academic and administrative positions at various Midrashot and served as the Jewish Studies Principal of Instituto Yavne, one of the main Jewish day schools of Montevideo, Uruguay. She also runs a Chiropractic practice specializing in Women’s Health in Gush Etzion and is a Hip-Hop dance teacher.