• February 9, 2025
  • 11 5785, Shevat
  • פרשת יתרו

Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim

Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim

Jews around the world study the same page of Talmud each day as part of the 7-year cycle of the Daf Yomi. Join Rabbanit Dr. Tamara Spitz each week as she reviews the key topics of the previous week’s seven pages, gaining an overview of the entire Talmud while also doing a deeper analysis of one of the core issues in that week’s text. We will combine breadth and depth to gain insights into each Tractate being studied, and enjoy the benefits of moving through topics at a quicker pace.

Whatever your background in Talmud, this shiur will allow you to connect to the worldwide phenomenon of Daf Yomi study, whether you learn the daf each day or just want to gain an overview of the entire Gemara. For the previous tractate, masechet Ketubot, please visit HERE. For the next tractate, Nazir, visit HERE.

November 1, 2022 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 1: Daf 2-7
Class description

This week we will learn what a Neder (vow) is and how one can obligate or prohibit something to themselves. The Gemara describes different ways one can make a vow and if partial declarations are valid.  We will also learn about the prohibition of not delaying a mitzvah.

November 6, 2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 2: Daf 8-12
Class description

This week we will learn that it is permissible to take a vow to fulfill a mitzvah. The Gemara explains that if a person dreamt that they were excommunicated, they need ten people to release them from the excommunication. The Gemara then describes different words or terms that can be used to crate a vow.

November 13, 2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 3: Daf 13-20
Class description

This week we will learn the proper format to create a vow or an oath and the difference between the two. One can prohibit one’s mouth from speaking to another person or feet from walking with another person. We will learn how vows are more stringent than oaths in some ways and how oaths are more stringent than vows in other ways.

November 22, 2022 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 4: Daf 21-28
Class description

This week we will focus on four types of vows that are automatically void. These include vows meant to motivate someone to do something, vows that are exaggerated, unintentional vows, and vows whose consequences are out of our control. The Gemara explains and gives several examples for each type of vow.

November 29, 2022 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 5: Daf 29-35
Class description

This week we will continue discussing the power of the spoken word. When someone makes a vow against benefiting from a specific group of people, the Gemara interprets the vow in particular ways. The Mishna and the Gemara give many examples of types of vows and how we interpret their meanings. We will also learn about the legal ramifications of vowing against deriving benefit from a specific person.

December 2, 2022 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 6: Daf 36-41
Class description

This week we will learn if a teacher of Torah is allowed to receive payment for his teaching. The Gemara continues explaining permissible acts that one can do for someone who is forbidden to get benefit from them. We will also learn about the great importance of visiting the sick.

December 14, 2022 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 7: Daf 42-50
Class description

We will continue to learn about inclusions and exceptions to a vow prohibiting someone from benefiting from someone else. We will learn the entire fifth chapter of Nedarim this week. The Gemara teaches about partners that vow to not benefit from each other and the subsequent ramifications. Lastly, we will begin the sixth chapter with defining what one means when taking particular vows.

December 21, 2022 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 8: Daf 51-57
Class description

This week we are going to continue learning how the Mishna and Gemara interpret different vows. The Gemara teaches that we generally go according to the way people speak. We will also learn that vows prohibiting general categories of items, will prohibit specific things as well.

December 27, 2022 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 9: Daf 58-63
Class description

This week we will learn about vows that have set time limits. The Gemara interprets nuances in language that can be used in vows.

January 1, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 10: Daf 64-69
Class description

This week we will learn the ninth chapter of Masechet Nedarim. We will learn the concept of “finding an opening (Petach)” to annul a vow. We will see what constitutes a proper Petach and what can’t be used as a Petach. We will then begin the tenth chapter and learn that a girl’s father or husband can revoke her vow (if it affects him).

January 10, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 11: Daf 70-77
Class description

This week we will continue learning about the ability of the father and the husband-to-be to revoke the woman’s vows. This must be done together and on the same day that they heard about the vow. We will learn what happens if one of the men dies.  We will also learn about a similar case of a woman who is waiting to do yibum and who has the ability to revoke her vows.

January 17, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 12: Daf 78-84
Class description

This week we will learn the law if a husband is silent about his wife’s vow. Does his silence signify confirmation or is he trying to distress her? We will also learn what type of vows a husband or father can revoke.

January 24, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Nedarim: Lesson 13: Daf 85-91+Siyum
Class description

As we finish Masechet Nedarim this week, we will learn about cases the husband or the father can’t revoke a woman’s vow. We will learn about specific instances where a woman’s vow goes into effect right away. The Gemara ends with discussing times when a woman is believed in her accusations against her husband and other times she isn’t believed. We will finish our discussion of Masechet Nedarim with an understanding of the power of words and a sensitivity to how we wield them.

Rabbanit Dr. Tamara Spitz is the Rosh Beit Midrash and Mashgicha Ruchanit of Midreshet Torah v'Avodah. She lectures on various topics in Gemara, including Daf Yomi, Halacha, and Tefilah. Dr. Spitz has held academic and administrative positions at various Midrashot and served as the Jewish Studies Principal of Instituto Yavne, one of the main Jewish day schools of Montevideo, Uruguay. She also runs a Chiropractic practice specializing in Women’s Health in Gush Etzion and is a Hip-Hop dance teacher.