• January 14, 2025
  • 14 5785, Tevet
  • פרשת שמות

Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin

Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin

Jews around the world study the same page of Talmud each day as part of the 7-year cycle of the Daf Yomi. Join Rabbanit Dr. Tamara Spitz each week as she reviews the key topics of the previous week’s seven pages, gaining an overview of the entire Talmud while also doing a deeper analysis of one of the core issues in that week’s text. We will combine breadth and depth to gain insights into each Tractate being studied, and enjoy the benefits of moving through topics at a quicker pace.

Whatever your background in Talmud, this shiur will allow you to connect to the worldwide phenomenon of Daf Yomi study, whether you learn the daf each day or just want to gain an overview of the entire Gemara. For the previous tractate, masechet Gittin, please click HERE. For the next tractate, Bava Kamma, click here.

August 23, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 1: Daf 2-9
Class description

As we start a new Masechet, we will introduce some key concepts of Kiddushin (betrothal). The Gemara teaches that there are 3 ways a woman can be betrothed: money, a document, and sexual relations. We will learn the parameters of each of these mechanisms.

August 30, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 2: Daf 10-17
Class description

This week we will learn the reasons behind each opinion for how much money needs to be given in order to betroth a woman. We will also learn how a man can betroth a woman with a document or have relations with her. We will then learn how a Jewish man or woman can be sold into slavery and how they are set free.

September 6, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 3: Daf 18-24
Class description

This week we will learn how a Jewish slave and maidservant go free. We will also learn about the Jewish slave who decides to stay on with his master after his allotted time. The Gemara also teaches about a non-Jewish slave, how he is bought, and how he goes free.

September 12, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 4: Daf 25-31
Class description

This week we will learn how different objects are acquired according to Jewish Law. There are many forms of proprietary acts that one can do in order to transfer ownership. Every type of object requires a particular form of action. We will then learn about parents’ and children’s obligations to one another and the different obligations of men and women.

September 20, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 5: Daf 32-38
Class description

This week we will continue learning about the commandment to honor and fear one’s parents. We will also learn that this applies to one’s teachers and Torah scholars as well. We will then learn about other commandments women are exempt from because they are time-bound positive commandments.

September 27, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 6: Daf 39-45
Class description

This week we will learn that if one does good deeds, one is rewarded in this world and in the next. Conversely, if one does evil deeds, one will be punished. We will learn the reward for learning Torah. We will begin the second chapter of Kiddushin which discusses who can do kiddushin and who can accept kiddushin.

October 4, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 7: Daf 46-52
Class description

This week we will learn the law if a man betrothes a woman by telling her he will give her one thing, but it turns out that he gives her something else. Or if he misleads her into thinking he is one thing (rich, poor, Cohen, Levi) but he isn’t. We will also learn if a man can use a stolen object to betroth a woman.

October 11, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 8: Daf 53-59
Class description

This week we will learn about items that have sanctity and if one can use them to betroth a woman. We will then continue learning about items that are forbidden to benefit from and therefore are invalid for betrothal. And finally, we will learn about items that not everyone can benefit from and if they can be used to betroth a woman.

October 18, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 9: Daf 60-66
Class description

This week we will learn about betrothals that include conditions or stipulations. We will see when they are valid and when the conditions need to be fulfilled. We will then learn about cases where a father accepts betrothal for his daughter, but he doesn’t remember which daughter and the subsequent ramifications.

October 25, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 10: Daf 67-73
Class description

This week we will learn about determining the status of offspring based on who their parents are and their relationship to one another. We will also learn about Ezra and those who returned to Zion with him and the subsequent consequences.

November 1, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Daf Yomi One Week at a Time: Kiddushin: Lesson 11: Daf 74-82 + Siyum
Class description

In this final lesson, we will continue to discuss who is able to marry a Cohen. We will also learn about the consequences of the child born from a prohibited relationship. We will end this Masechet discussing the prohibition of secluding with someone who is prohibited to you and what are proper and improper trades one should pursue.

Mazal tov on finishing Masechet Kiddushin!

Rabbanit Dr. Tamara Spitz is the Rosh Beit Midrash and Mashgicha Ruchanit of Midreshet Torah v'Avodah. She lectures on various topics in Gemara, including Daf Yomi, Halacha, and Tefilah. Dr. Spitz has held academic and administrative positions at various Midrashot and served as the Jewish Studies Principal of Instituto Yavne, one of the main Jewish day schools of Montevideo, Uruguay. She also runs a Chiropractic practice specializing in Women’s Health in Gush Etzion and is a Hip-Hop dance teacher.