Chassidic Masters on Purim
The Chassidic masters always engaged in finding the “Penimiyut” (the essence) of every holiday enlighten every festival, but have a special connection with Purim. One might assume because the holiday does not originate explicitly from the Torah, that it would be less important, but nothing could be farther from the truth. For previous classes, please click here.
Chassidic Masters on Purim: Lesson 1
Chassidic Masters on Purim: Lesson 2
WHY AN OLIVE????: Jeremiah likens B’nai Yisrael to a refreshing olive tree. The midrash asks, of all the seven species, why an olive? The Sefat Emet and the Shem Mishmuel explain and expand upon the midrash, making insights that have to do with Parshat Zachor in particular, and the Jewish condition in general. Both of these sages lived well into the 20th century while chasidism was in the throes of a great ideological struggle with the enlightenment. The deeper the struggle, the more you have to delve inside. Great Torahs tonight!
Chassidic Masters on Purim: Lesson 3
Rabbi Shmuel Bornstein, the second Sokotchover Rebbe was a master of chasidic thought, as well as being renowned as a Talmudic scholar. His essays on Parshat Zachor are quite memorable, and within the context of Chasidic thought are innovative, evocative and vaguely reminiscent of the Kotzker school of Chasidic learning. His father was a disciple of the Kotzker Rebbe, and also his son in law. Renowned for his brilliance and severe bouts of melancholia, his students offer a more sober dimension of chasidic insight. Parshat Zachor is a perfect address to engage with those who passionately seek the unbridele truth of service to the Holy One… Remember with us tonight.
Chassidic Masters on Purim: Lesson 4
AFTER WE FINISH THE SHEM M’SHMUEL AND SEFAT EMET ON PARSHAT ZACHOR…: the Kedushat Levy, Rabbi Levy Yitzchak of Berditchev, will teach the four spiritual elements of Purim. He remarks that it is the only Holiday, that has three unique Mitzvot attached to it. He doesn’t include, the Purim meal because that is a common element of all festivals. We wil begin the first Kedushah of Purim today. Enjoy!
Chassidic Masters on Purim: Lesson 6
WHY DOES READING THE MEGILLAH TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE READING OF THE TORAH?: Why does the Megillah reading have such strict criteria that one doesn’t have when listening to a Torah reading? It all has to do with the power of the miraculous embedded in nature…the Kedushat Levy has only just begun!
Chassidic Masters on Purim: Lesson 7
FINISHING UP WITH THE KEDUSHAT LEVY ON READING THE MEGILLA: He brings the message home that the reading of the Megilla does and should take precedence over Torah study. The Talmudic passage that understands that the Torah was received wholeheartedly in the days of Mordechai and Esther brings us back full circle. Now we can understand why one has to hear every word of the Megilla.