Akeidat Yitzchak
Study the story of Akeidat Yitzchak, the binding of Isaac, which is read in synagogue on Rosh Hashanah. We will see the commentaries of Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Ramban and further Rishonim (medieval commentaries). Skills in exegesis (critical interpretation of different approaches to Pshat – the simple interpretation of the text) will be developed and students will learn to decipher the limits to determining Pshat. Additional references will include Achronim (latter commentaries), Netziv, Meshech Chochma, and others.
Akeidat Yitzchak: Lesson 1
Overview: Akeidat Yitzchak: Dear Talmidim, Thank you all for signing up for my shiur on WebYeshiva. Our first shiur will be a basic overview of the pesukim of the Akeida including Rashi. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the text prior to coming to shiur. I look forward to seeing you all there. Shavua tov, Yedidya Rausman
Akeidat Yitzchak: Lesson 2
Rashi pt. 2 & Ramban on Akeidat Yitzchak: Dear Talmidim, It was a pleasure meeting some of you and reconnecting with others. We will finish Rashi on the Akeida and begin the Ramban on the Akeida this Thursday. For those of you who wish to review or missed Monday’s shiur, you can download the archive located under the title of Monday’s shiur. Please email me with any questions, suggestions or comments.
Akeidat Yitzchak: Lesson 3
NeTziV on Akeidat Yitzchak Part 1: Dear Talmidim, I am expecting to have shiur today 🙂 I am sorry for the cancelations last week. We will examine the NeTziv commentary on the Akeida. Questions we will examine: What is the nature of the “test” that God gave Avraham? What was Yitzchak’s role in the Akeida? How did this shape Yitzchak’s image for future generations? See you in shiur.
Akeidat Yitzchak: Lesson 4
NeTziV on Akeidat Yitzchak Part 2: Did Avraham know the location he was going to? (review the Ramban on this topic) What did Avraham have to do to hide the Akeida from Sarah? How did Avraham view the actual sacrificing of Isaac? We will complete the NeTziv in this Class