Oct 31, 2022
WebYeshiva at Limmud Budapest
WebYeshiva was proud to be invited to Limmud Budapest, which took place October 28-30 and held at the The European Youth Centre in Budapest (EYCB).
The conference was attended by over 300 people, from Hungary and across Europe, with participants also coming from Israel and North America. Limmud is a worldwide festival of Jewish learning which was launched in England over 40 years ago (among the founders of this impactful program were early students of our own Rabbi Brovender). It was a great opportunity to connect with many of our European WebYeshiva students in person—and to attract new students to our site, especially for our made possible thanks to the Leslie and Vera Keller Foundation for the Advancement of the Jewish Heritage.
WebYeshiva thanks all the organizers and participants for a wonderful learning experience.