Sep 26, 2024
The WebYeshiva Blog
Sep 18, 2024
Parshat Ki Tavo 5784
The Bikkurim and 13 Attributes of Mercy
Gifting those in need
Sep 12, 2024
Parshat Ki Tetze 5784
Showing common courtesy
The Midrash (Vayikra Rabbah 34:8) answers this question and while doing so provides us with a remarkable lesson about derech eretz (common courtesy): ‘Rabbi Simon in the name of Rabbi Elazar said: “Who was it that did not perform chessed (kindness) for those who were not in need of chessed? The Ammonites and Moabites towards Bnei Yisrael, as it is written: “because they didn't meet you with bread and with water” (Devarim 23:5). But did Bnei Yisrael need additional bread and water? Is it not so that during all those forty years that Bnei Yisrael were in the wilderness that the manna fell for them, the water arose for them, the quail was provided for them, the clouds of glory surrounded them, and the pillar of cloud traveled before them? Rather, it is derech eretz that one greets travelers with food and drink. And how did the Holy One blessed be He repay them as a result? “An Ammonite or a Moabite shall not enter into the assembly of Hashem” (ibid. 23:4). From here we can infer an a fortiori (kal vachomer). If God punished those who did not perform chessed for those who were not in need of chessed, then someone who does not perform chessed for one who is in need of chessed, all the more so [that God will punish them].”’How to perform chesed
Clearly this teaching provides us with a powerful mussar lesson regarding how we must show derech eretz both to those not in need of chessed, and especially towards those in need of chessed. In fact, the Midrash then proceeds to explain that we learn from Avraham (who performed chessed by giving food to the angels even though they did not need food – see Bereishit 18:8), and from Boaz (who performed chessed by giving food to Ruth who was in need of food - see Ruth 2:14) how the performance of chessed brings rewards & blessing to those who do so. With this in mind, and as we near towards Rosh Hashanah, now is the opportune time not only for us to upgrade our general behaviour to ensure that we act with derech eretz, but also to look around our local communities while asking ourselves what acts of chessed can we perform - especially for those in need. Shabbat Shalom!Sep 05, 2024
Parshat Shoftim 5784
God is on our side (Shoftim)
By Rabbi Johnny Solomon Parshat Shoftim informs us that before Jewish soldiers would go out to battle the Kohen (priest) would deliver the following stirring words: “Hear Israel (Shema Yisrael), today you are about to engage in battle with your enemies; do not be fainthearted, don’t be afraid, or tremble, or be scared of them, for the Lord God is the One who goes out with you to fight for you against your enemies in order to save you” (Devarim 20:3-4). Significantly, though just the two words of ‘Hear Israel’ (Shema Yisrael) are used in this verse, Rashi explains that this alludes to the Shema prayer, and how its recitation by those about to go to battle girds them and strengthens them. But the question is: how?The purpose of Shema
Maharal answers in his Gur Aryeh commentary that when a Jew recites the Shema, they declare their faith in the Oneness and Unity of God, and through doing so, they attach themselves to something greater than anything else, which overrides everything else. Accordingly, faith in Hashem Echad gives us hope and strength to fight against and hopefully overcome all the challenges we may face. Interestingly, the Midrash (Midrash Aggada) focusses in on the phrase ‘with your enemies’ on which it notes that though Jews can be unkind to each other, we are not viciously cruel to one another. In contrast, ‘if Jews fall into the hands of our enemies, they will show no mercy.’ As we sadly know from the past 11 months and from the recent sickening murder of six hostages, this lack of mercy is a chillingly accurate description of who our enemy is, and this is why we must continue to fight against them be victorious over them.We will be victorious
Finally, commenting on the words ‘for the Lord God is the One who goes out with you to fight for you’, Rashi explains that while our enemies, ‘are coming as flesh and blood to be victorious, the Jewish people are coming with the support of God to be victorious’, then adding, ‘[this is like the story of] the Philistines who came with Goliath to be victorious. But what was his end? He fell, and they fell with him!’ Taken together, these verses - which speak so deeply to us in these difficult times - serve as a reminder to us that we should continue to have faith in God and each other; that we should be kind to each other not only because it is the right thing to do but also because our enemies are so cruel towards us, and that when we continue to go out to battle, we should know that God is on our side and that we will ultimately overcome our enemies and be victorious. Shabbat Shalom! If you are a man, woman or couple looking to grow or looking for guidance, then now is the perfect time to book your free, confidential, no-obligation discovery call to share what is on your mind and to find out about Rabbi Johnny Solomon's #VirtualRabbi spiritual coaching and halachic consultation service. To book a discovery call, visit 26, 2024
Parshat Re’eh 5784
What will happen when I die? (Parshat Re’eh)
By Rabbi Johnny SolomonEarly on in Parshat Re’eh, Moshe refers to the ceremony which would occur when Bnei Yisrael entered the Land of Israel (see Devarim 11:29), and he then tells Bnei Yisrael what they must do upon entering the land and how they must destroy all traces of idolatry (ibid. 12:1-13:19). This includes the command to destroy altars that were used for idolatrous practices (ibid. 12:3), the prohibition to consume blood, the prohibition against idolatrous prophets and missionaries (ibid. 13:2-12), and the command to destroy apostate cities whose inhabitants have turned to idol worship (ibid. 13:13-19).
Then, Devarim 14:3-21 details the kashrut laws relating to the food which Bnei Yisrael would need to eat once the manna ceased to fall upon entering the land of Israel (see Yehoshua 5:12), while Devarim 14:22-29 details the tithe laws that would begin to apply once Bnei Yisrael enter the Land of Israel.
Self-harming when mourning the death of a relative
However, in between these sections we find two verses which seem to discuss something completely different. Specifically, Devarim 14:1-2 tells us about the Torah prohibition of self-harming when mourning the death of a relative: ‘You are children of the Lord your God. Do not lacerate yourselves or [pull out your hair to] make bald patches in the middle of your heads for the dead. For you are a people sacred to the Lord your God. The Lord has chosen you of all the peoples on earth to be to Him a treasured people’ (Devarim 14:1-2).
Of course, this prohibition may well have been rooted in idolatrous practices from that region and that time, and as such, this likely connects it to the previous section. However, this fact is not obvious from the verses. Beyond this, unlike the previous section and the section that follows, Devarim 14:1-2 does not seem to have any specific relevance to the land of Israel. Given this, what is the point of this seemingly random reference to mourning rituals in between these two sections of laws relating to life inside the land of Israel?
Chizkuni suggests that it is possible that these verses immediately follow the law of the apostate city to teach us that even if a parent, sibling or other relative is killed in an apostate city, we should still recognize that God’s commandments are just, that even if we don’t understand the ways of God they still have a purpose, and therefore, even in our hour of anguish and mourning, we should not self-harm.
Understanding Death
Beyond this, Chizkuni (paralleling the interpretations of the Ibn Ezra, Bechor Shor & Rosh) adds a further powerful insight which is that even if one’s parent has died, a Jew should remember that they are not orphans and that we are, ‘children of the Lord your God’ (Devarim 14:1). Accordingly, while an idolater who worships stones or trees whose parent dies might feel that they are now totally alone, a Jew who believes in God never truly feels alone because they always have their Father in Heaven.
However, alongside these remarks, I believe that these verses carry a further meaning. As we see from Bemidbar 11:11-12, Moshe regarded himself as a parent figure for the Jewish people. And as is clear from the previous chapters in Sefer Devarim, Moshe already knows that he will soon die. Given all this, while there is much talk about what will happen when the people enter the land of Israel, Moshe is also concerned that the journey of Bnei Yisrael might be jolted following their mourning of his death.
Death is part of life
Accordingly, I believe that the purpose of Devarim 14:1-2 is that it is a pep-talk that Moshe gives Bnei Yisrael about his upcoming death. It is here when he tells the people that death - and especially the death of a parent or a spiritual parent - is a part of life. And it is here where he tells the people that what makes the Jewish faith so special is that we are never truly orphaned because we always have God with us. Understood this way, this also helps us explain why these verses don’t mention the land of Israel, because unlike the laws that precede and follow this section, the focus of Devarim 14:1-2 is Moshe’s death - which takes place outside of the land of Israel.
Perhaps we may wonder whether Moshe’s pep-talk worked? The answer is ‘yes’ - as we see in the final lines of the Torah where we are told that, ‘The Israelites wept for Moshe in the plains of Moav for thirty days. And the weeping and mourning for him came to an end’ (Devarim 34:8). And why did it ‘come to an end’? It is because Moshe had previously told the people that even when he died they should not feel hopeless, that they still had their Father in Heaven, and that from his death onwards, they now had Yehoshua to lead them into the land of Israel.
Shabbat Shalom!